We all know that point just after lunch where we start to get tired easily – and luck just so happens that we have a big pile of work to do. Or perhaps that drag to try and get out of bed in the morning when our eyes just want to close. It’s normal for energy to spike and fall, but if it’s interfering with your life, here are 3 tips for leveling out those spikes so you have constant, steady energy for the day.
Manage Stress
Stress is one of the biggest reasons why people end up feeling drained, exhausted, or tired out quickly. A small amount of stress is normal and healthy, but if you find yourself overworked or anxious, this may be a sign that stress is interfering with your life and keeping you feeling tired.
To combat stress, it’s important to consider what the root cause of the stress is. Whether it’s work, family, or something else, it’s worth communicating with those involved or around you who may be able to offer some sort of support or advice on dealing with the stressor at hand. If the situation itself is unavoidable, it may then be worth practicing some relaxation techniques to help manage your stress. This in turn should help calm your brain, stop it from overworking from stressing, and help you gain some much-needed energy back.
Energize Efficiently
We get our energy from lots of places, but is the energy we’re consuming beneficial for us, or actually contributing to our lack of energy? Diet is one of the most important things to consider with this – what kinds of food are you eating? Are you eating food that gives a slow release of energy such as wholegrains and nuts, or are you eating food that burns quickly like sugar? These kinds of foods can give you a quick energy boost followed by a long dip in your energy, leaving you feeling drained.
Supplements are also a great way to energize efficiently – they can help your body function in a way that gives you a constant flow of energy, helping you avoid losing energy later in the day. Vitamonk’s Mitotrax is a good example – it offers mitochondrial support, helping you optimize your energy production, giving you long, steady releases of energy rather than quick, unpredictable boosts.
Keep a Routine
Routines are a great way to ensure you have plenty of energy for the day, especially for the moments when you need that energy. Your body works on a clock, often optimizing the release of energy based on its needs. This means by keeping a routine, you can get your body to learn when it does and doesn’t need energy, as well as help it in using energy predictably (and thus not wastefully expending it to deal with unexpected demands).
Having a set sleep schedule is one of the biggest and best ways to do this. Though it may take some effort to get into, your body will learn when it should wake and when it should sleep, meaning you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and feel ready to go to bed at the appropriate times. It also means your body knows how long it will need the energy, especially if you’re scheduling meal times and it knows when it will get its next dose of energy. This helps your body plan and expend energy according to the schedule, giving you an even flow of energy throughout your day.
These are three great ways to ensure you have enough energy to get through your day without feeling exhausted or drained.
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