If you’re running an online store, you’re certainly familiar with the following scenario:
You work hard to get a new customer to place an order; then, they come back for more once they place their first order. That’s great news for you because the customer is happy with the products being offered.
But now you have a problem…
The first thing to understand is that there may be a problem could be with your business model or your pricing strategy. For example, if you’re selling too cheap products, then customers won’t perceive additional products as being of significant value. This is why flash sales are so popular – they offer consumers a chance to take advantage of rare or exclusive merchandise at a steep discount.
A theme that regularly emerges in our conversations with store owners is that their stores’ average order value (AOV) is too low. It’s a problem that falls largely on the marketing team to fix, but sometimes growth doesn’t come as easily as we’d like. We’ve put together this guide to help you up to your game and grow your store’s average order value.
Here are five ways you can grow the average order value of your online store:
1. Sell High-Value Products
The number one reason for an average order value below what you might expect is the kind of products you’re selling. If your store is full of low-cost items, you’re not going to see high orders for obvious reasons. This goes back to how you define success for your business.
2. Offer Discounts for Bulk Orders
Discounted prices encourage shoppers to spend more
on each order by tempting them with a saving that grows as their order size increases. It’s human nature to save more money, especially if you’ve already spent some money on the site.
3. Offer Discounts for Order Placement
Offer discounts for first-time shoppers or give repeat customers more incentive to make another purchase. It’ll make them feel like they’re getting rewarded for shopping with you again, which will encourage them to come back for more.
4. Offer Free Shipping
Free shipping is one of the most effective ways to ensure that more shoppers will purchase from you.
5. Make it easy for customers to add more items
Adding things to their cart is how most customers start their purchase. If you want them to add more products, make it easy for them to do so. When they look at a product page, give them suggestions on what else they might like with that product. You can also show items that would be great for people who bought this item.
6. Provide the right product recommendations
One thing that makes shopping fun is trying new products. We all browse different categories of products before deciding what to buy.
7. Improve the product experience
It all starts with having great products. You can’t expect to sell high-end products if you don’t even have high-end products to sell. Your customers need to know that you can deliver quality products, and nothing is better than actual customer reviews to show that you stand behind your products. Try to launch fast if possible and get customer reviews up on your site as soon as possible.
Use a ‘Buy Button’ on product pages
If you can integrate a buy button on your product pages, they are two times more likely to purchase when you send users directly from the product page to the shopping cart. Make sure your payment gateway (https://paymentcloudinc.com/accept-payments/online/payment-gateways/ ) has a redirect option set up, so you don’t lose your users on the payment gateway page.
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