There are many different glass water pipes and bongs to choose from: glass, wood, plastic or ceramic materials. Some bongs have built-in filters to ensure smooth hits while others have percolators to cool down the smoke before it reaches your lungs. If you are just getting into cannabis, you might not know what to choose or what to consider. So here is what you need to know about choosing the perfect bong.
The Portability
Bongs are water pipes that are typically much larger than other pipes and they aren’t designed to be moved from location to location. However, you do get ones that are smaller that can easily fit into a backpack or bag making them more portable.
If you are looking for something that you can move around then going with a smaller bong would be the better option, but if you just want to keep it at home, a bigger one would be more ideal as they offer a better experience.
The Design
Bongs come in all different shapes and sizes, as well as different colors. Choosing a design of a bong should be purely based on what you want.
The design of a bong can reflect your personality, your interests, and more and you might enjoy having one that suits your aesthetic. Bongs with more intricate and detailed designs will more likely be a bit more expensive than just a straight bong with nothing fancy on it.
The Durability
Typically, bongs are made of glass, and it is a common fact that glass is not the most durable material out there.
A glass bong can be dropped and easily broken, especially if it is not durable glass. Not to mention that if the glass gets too hot it will also break.
Bongs can also be made of other materials such as acrylic, which is a much more durable material however, it doesn’t offer as good of a hit as a glass bong might offer, and this is something to take into consideration.
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