There are several connectivity options out there, and users cannot seem to grasp the idea of even a single one of them. An excellent connectivity option among the batch is a virtual cross connect from Beeks .
A stable and reliable network connection is the key to customer satisfaction and an optimal workflow environment. Any upgrade to your connectivity is a bonus to your business, and a cross-connects option is one of the best choices to get your hands on. But what is a cross-connect?
Understanding Cross Connections
Cross connections are basically all the hardware (cables, wires, and cords) that connect all the pieces within your network. It basically serves as a point-to-point connection between two separate units in a data center . In a cross-connect, you will find a physical cable connecting two servers together.
They are maintained either by a single data center or across multiple data center; these connections are used in various matters such as:
Trading centers require it for optimal trading speeds and client satisfaction.
Connecting business to a global network to take advantage of the global pricing
What Are The Advantages of Using Cross Connect?
Upgrading to cross-connects over your current connectivity option has several advantages. Some of the most widely discussed and sought-after benefits of cross-connect include:
Low Latency
Low latency is a term used to describe how fast data is processed over a channel or how quick data moves from one server to the next and back. Ideally, everyone aims to have low latency in their connection, but not every network provides this benefit, often translating to a loss of customer satisfaction and increased complaints.
With the ever-increasing data demands, cross-connections have begun to take charge of network connectivity options.
Enhanced security
Data theft and loss are a growing concern in the digital era, but with cross connect, you will have fewer days to worry about data losses and recovery. Cross connections provide a private channel for your data transport; hence unlike public networks where there is an increased threat of data theft, with cross-connections, that’s the least of your worries.
One might question how could there be data loss on a public network when everything is encrypted? The answer is simple. Everything can be intercepted and decrypted on a public network; hence you are more susceptible to data losses at the hands of cyber attackers when using a public network over a cross-connection.
Low to None Downtime
The Downtime on your server can impact your business outlook significantly. The financial losses gained at the hands of serve downtime are substantial in the long run, and even a cloud-based server cannot save you from such a loss. If you are to shift over to cross-connects, there will be substantially fewer downtimes on your server. This will eventually translate to a valuable asset for your business in the long run.
There are superior cross-connect data centres globally and one of the most impressive is Sydney with Macquarie Data Centres .
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