
6 Ways To Improve Your Career

Employed or simply looking for employment, it's always good to work on advancing your career so you can work in a job that truly inspires you.

When you’re looking for a job, you must choose one where you will be the most satisfied. Once someone has been employed for a while, they may realize that their job isn’t as fulfilling as they had hoped. Everyone has to start somewhere, but it’s good to work on advancing your career so you can work in a job that truly inspires you. Keeping your options open is key when it comes to finding your dream job, so finding good ways to accomplish that is important.

1. Further Your Education

One of the best ways to improve your career is by furthering your education. Your educational opportunities may expand in different areas when you’re in college, like taking an English course in addition to required math courses that could help you in your current or future job.

For a lot of careers, it’s not enough to just have a bachelor’s degree anymore. Becoming a master of teaching primary education will provide you with much better chances of finding a job that you really like if that’s the field you’re interested in. The same goes for any profession.

Most job markets are saturated with workers who have the same educational levels as others, so it’s important to stand out from the rest.

2. Establish A Good Work Ethic

One of the best ways to improve your career is by being reliable. Knowing how to do your job well is good, but it won’t do you much good if your employer doesn’t trust you to do the things they need to be done.
You can do this by showing up on time, working hard throughout your shift, and taking initiative when the opportunity arises. Showing you have integrity by doing all of this, but also by being able to admit when you need help is the best way to go about this. These are the little things that will wind up leaving a positive impression on your employer, which could lead to better chances of being promoted or receiving a raise.

Every employer wants someone who will arrive on time and be able to complete their tasks without slowing down the workflow. If you are known as a person that can handle multiple responsibilities, then your career opportunities may open up much more.

3. Networking

Networking with people is one of the best ways to improve your career. You never know who might be able to directly or indirectly help you in getting a better job, so it’s always good to have contacts that you can call upon when needed.

One way to do this would be by joining clubs at school or participating in activities outside of your home. This could be anything from your school’s pre-med club to volunteering at a hospital if you have an interest in the medical field. Every industry has organizations and clubs that people with similar interests can join and meet like-minded individuals, so finding one and joining it is a great way to make connections with others in your desired profession.

Being nice goes a long way, so it’s always good to be able to network with people on friendly terms. By doing this, you’ll find that your career opportunities may open up more because knowing the “right” person could get you past initial barriers others haven’t had success with, and get your foot in the door. However, you need to make sure you don’t come off as someone who uses people to get ahead in their career, try not to brag too much about your accomplishments, and always be honest.

4. Keep A Good Work-Life Balance

It’s very important to keep a good work-life balance when you’re trying to improve your career. Working too much can affect your home life, and being able to have a healthy balance between the two is going to benefit both of them.

It’s usually considered best to work around 40 hours a week, but for some jobs, it may be necessary to work much longer hours. If you find yourself working more than the average 40 hour work week, make sure you are able to keep up with your home life. Proving yourself as a hard worker when you’re just starting out is a good idea, but make sure you don’t get taken advantage of.

Going above and beyond only helps your career if it’s appreciated by your employer. If they are asking you to do more than the average worker, make sure you are properly compensated for your time or that it is worth your while. Showing respect for yourself and your time in a reasonable manner will make your employer respect you more.

5. Be Adaptable

If you’re unable to adapt, then you might not be able to advance in your career. In most cases, the role one plays for a company will change as it grows and changes, so if you can’t keep up with those changes, it may become more difficult to make a name for yourself within that organization.

In order to show you can adapt, try to pay attention to changes, even if they aren’t major ones. For example, if your employer starts using new software on the job and you see someone is having some trouble with it, take initiative and help them out. It can be something as simple as organizing files in a different way than how they had them before, so you need to pay attention and take initiative when the situation arises.

6. Be Passionate

When asked why they work, most people will answer with one of three things: money, benefits, or fun. Those are all good reasons to have for working, but you need to be able to give a better reason than that if you want to improve your career opportunities.

If you’re passionate about what you do for work, you’re more likely to go above and beyond your job duties. Passion for work is usually shown by the quality of the work you do while on the clock, along with creativity while doing it. It’s a great motivator to work harder when you’re doing what you love, and if you can communicate that to your employer in a professional manner, they’ll appreciate it.

Improving your career is very important because, through that, you can advance your current position. There are many good ways to go about it, and some can be more specific to your situation than others. However, the ones we talked about all have a general idea to them that can be applied to any career. By being nice, working hard, having a good work-life balance, being adaptable, and being passionate about your work, you will see an improvement in your career over time. And that will get you one step closer to what you want to achieve in life.

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Annette DuBois, California Business Journal

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