Health & Fitness

4 Ways To Boost ENT Immunity

More and more viral diseases are emerging every day each with complex variants and mutations.

While medical science is making giant strides in eradicating these issues and creating innovative treatments, it is necessary to have some preventive measures in place too.

With most viruses and bacteria targeting the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) now, it is more important than ever to caution and protect against these disease-causing microbes.

Below are 4 more ways you can build up your immunity against ear, nose, and throat issues:

  1. Sleep And Hydration

A good night of sleep can do wonders for your health and improving your ENT immunity is one of them. Getting a good seven to eight hours of sleep every night can have amazing benefits for all aspects of your health be it mental or physical. To boost your immunity, you need to give your body plenty of time to rest and get ready for a day of warding off any germs that may cause diseases.

In addition to sleeping well, you need to hydrate constantly to boost your immunity. The more you hydrate, the more your body will have a chance to excrete harmful toxins. Hydrating adequately will also help keep you refreshed during the day.

  1. Diet And

Similar to getting a good night’s rest, your lifestyle choices should include a nutrition-rich diet and regular exercise. Try your best to think of creative ways to add leafy greens to your diet for example in a pasta sauce or in a banana smoothie where you cannot even taste them. This will make your diet more nutritious but still keep it exciting.

Exercising regularly also has countless benefits so you should try out new workouts that can help boost your immunity. The easiest way to convince yourself to regularly is to make it fun by changing workouts and creating time for slower days. It does not have to be that you are running miles every day, you can add a little bit of variety to make it more enjoyable.

  1. Vitamins And Probiotics

Vitamin supplements can be great for your health and can help support your diet if it has any gaps in nutrition. If you find that you are unable to add lots of nutritious food items to your diet or want to go the extra mile, you should think about taking vitamin supplements.

Vitamin C supplements are the most recommended when it comes to ENT health but you could also just go for a multivitamin multimineral supplement that has everything you need from zinc to vitamin K. Furthermore, you can opt for probiotics to boost your as well.

Since your mouth and throat are some of the first defenses against diseases, it is necessary to keep them healthy. Try going for superior products on the market such as Smile Brilliant’s dental probiotics which are clinically proven to help with upper respiratory tract immunity.

  1. Shower And Disinfect

After spending a lot of time around people at work or school or any other environment, it is best to come home and take a nice hot shower. Not only is it relaxing and destressing, but it can also help prevent diseases by washing off all the pollution and germs you carried with you all day.

Try taking a shower as soon as you get home so you don’t spread germs all over your house when you sit on the couch or lie down in bed. These germs can survive for quite some time on surfaces so try your best to keep them clean.

You should also try and disinfect the most touched surfaces in your home, especially door handles and mobile phones. Make sure to use a disinfectant that contains enough alcohol to kill off the strongest microbes present in your house.


Doctors always recommend healthy diets and regular to maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent diseases. By following the above suggestions you can make sure that you are ready to fight the flu season and rest assured that you have done everything you can to boost your immune responses.

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Leslie Irving, California Business Journal

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