You would always hope that you are never involved in an accident, but sometimes it can simply be a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and having no bearing on anything that you did. A classic example of this is being on a bus that’s then involved in an accident.
Despite simply travelling to work or to the supermarket, you find yourself in a situation where the bus driver caused an accident, and now you might have to deal with the consequences of being injured. In that situation, where there will be inevitable costs and stress involved, it’s appropriate to consider making a claim for compensation.
When this type of thing happens, stress can make it challenging to think about what to do next. In this guide, we provide you with the information you need to keep safe and protect your interests should you need to make a claim against the bus company.
1. Get off the Bus
The first thing that must be done is to exit the bus as quickly as possible after an accident occurs. Do not worry about your personal belongings, or any other items for that matter, because they can all be replaced once you receive help, and make sure that everyone else is okay.
If the accident has been a serious one, it’s even more important to get out due to the risk of fire. Even if it means having to crawl out, that’s what you need to do to prevent further injuries.
2. Assess the Situation
The next thing to do is to assess the situation and make sure that you are okay. If you notice any bleeding, feel sharp pains in your body, or feel light-headed, then get to a safe location as a priority and then await further assistance.
3. Call the Emergency Services
Now it’s time to call for help. Call the emergency services and tell them exactly where you are located. If you can make an accurate assessment, let them know how many people might be injured and will need assistance.
4. If You Don’t Feel Injured
Still take a moment to assess yourself and the situation. Shock can sometimes cause you not to realise that you’re injured, and you might do further harm by moving around. Also, be aware that some injuries become more apparent a few days after the accident takes place.
5. Document What You Can
After an accident, whether it’s in your car or when a passenger is on a bus, you should try to document the scene. While you might think that you will remember what happened, shock can make it difficult to recall all the details of the accident accurately.
If you’re able to take pictures or write down what you remember straight after the accident, you should do so. This may be important to the success of the case if you decide to make a claim against the bus company. The type of information that you should record includes:
–Pictures of the scene and surroundings
–The names and contact details of any witnesses
–The name and contact details of other people who were on the bus
–Any information you can remember on the events leading up to the accident and what happened immediately after it.
6. Don’t Make Statements Regarding Your Injury
Immediately following an accident, you might feel fine. But injury symptoms might not become apparent until days or even weeks later. If you make a statement following the accident in which you say that ‘you’re fine’, it can then have a negative impact on future insurance payments.
7. When There has Been Driver Negligence
If you received injuries because of the accident and this was due to the bus company’s negligence or the bus driver, you might decide to seek compensation. It might be that you had to take time off work and that your incurred expenses that you wouldn’t have had to deal with if the accident hadn’t taken place.
Making a claim means that you could be compensated. This also applies if you were a pedestrian, or a driver or passenger in a car that was hit by a bus. Compensation can help to get you back into the situation you were in prior to the accident.
Next Steps
If you have decided that you would like to pursue a compensation case against the bus company, then it’s important to ensure that you get advice from professionals in the field. They will be able to assess the circumstances of the accident and then advise if you may have a claim.
Do make sure that you understand what the legal fees might be and when you will need to make payment. While some companies offer a ‘no win no fee’ contract, make sure that you know exactly what percentage of the compensation you will need to pay them if you do win your case.
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