
The Importance of Knowing Your Brand Attributes

When you think about your company’s branding, it’s something that needs to be crystal clear.

The brand image you present to your clients or customers and the public, in general, is one that needs to be communicated effectively.

For that to happen, there needs to be an awareness of your brand attributes as these are core values that define and represent the company and the brand’s essence. It’s what makes your brand unique and individual.

With that in mind, why is it important to know your brand attributes? In this article, you’ll learn about the need for knowledge of your brand attributes and how you can go about defining these for your business in particular. Every business has a different set of brand attributes that make up who the company is and how they’re recognized. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what yours are.

What makes up your brand attributes?

In order to define your brand attributes, it’s useful to understand what it’s made up of. There are a variety of factors to consider in order to help craft those unique fundamentals that will define your company’s brand.

Reputability and relevance

For a brand to stay relevant, it’s important that they’re doing all they can when it comes to keeping brand consistency with the products or services that they offer.  By being able to offer them the best deals, the best in service or the highest quality products on the market, you create a more relevant and reputable brand.

Reputation is important and is proven so by Harvard Business School Working Paper which found every additional one-star Yelp rating causes an increase in the business’s revenue up to 9%.To gauge the existing relevancy of your brand, it’s worth looking at any data that you have on your audience.

Look at what interactions or is working to impress your customers and to exceed those expectations that they have for your business.

Credibility is another important one because a trustworthy name is going to go far for your brand. It’s offering the very best services and products that matter to a customer’s view of the business in general.

Being sustainable and consistent

For a brand to stay relevant, it’s important that they’re doing all they can when it comes to staying consistent with the products or services that they offer. Your brand is going to need to go through various market cycles because that’s the nature of a changing business. Any company is going to face new challenges and obstacles in the road when developing its brand. A core attribute to the brand attributes that you have, should be consistency.

Being sustainable is also another critical brand attribute that a brand needs to have. The ability to withstand new competitors coming onto the market and adapting to stay relevant is essential.

Position and uniqueness

As a brand, the positioning of it can be helpful when it comes to the market you’re competing in. This can be influenced by the marketing and brand teams within your company. Decisions such as pricing where they are in regards to high-street or luxury/high-end are also good to know.

The uniqueness of a product or service can help the brand stand out from the crowd and curate a distinguished identity within the market itself and the customers who they’re trying to attract.

It’s also good to have an attribute that’s focused on inspiration. As a brand, there’s a lot that you can do in order to inspire your customers. Considering what actions or initiatives you can carry out to create that inspiration is key to drawing in more interest in your brand.

All these individual focal points can help your brand find success by meeting its objectives as a business.

Why are brand attributes important to your business?

So why are brand attributes so important to your business? How can you ensure that your brand has clear and concise attributes in place?

They help build awareness of your brand

Brand awareness is an important part of your business because the more people who know about your brand, the better. It takes 5 to 7 impressions before a customer remembers your brand so having those core attributes that focus on relevancy and reputation is essential.

It’s useful to measure your brand awareness by sending out brand awareness surveys or looking at your social media following to see who it is that’s following and actively engaging with your content.

Offers better customer service experiences

With a strong set of brand attributes, it helps meet the objectives that many businesses will have when it comes to the customer service experience. It’s important to go above and beyond to provide every one of your customer’s with the best experience possible.

Having an understanding of who your customers are and the right systems in place to assist with the needs they have, is beneficial. You may find it useful to offer a webchat service for example that’s automated outside office hours. That means your customers are getting answers to their questions, or at least some form of response at all times.

Having a good CRM in place can help ensure you’re answering all your customer queries in a timely manner. By having attributes like consistency and sustaining your efforts, it’ll help focus more on providing excellent services to your customers regularly and without delay.

A good CRM worth trying out is Zendesk. This is a great one for both dealing with customer queries and for use internally with your employees too.

Easier for management and to achieve brand identity

Brand attributes contribute to your company’s brand identity and when you have them well defined, it’s easier for your teams to position the business correctly. Whether it’s a team that focuses on specifically or team members within your marketing department, brand attributes are essential for portraying the brand in the right way.

This ultimately leads to the company’s brand identity and it’s important to form this correctly in order for it to be a true reflection of the business.

A good way of helping with brand identity, specifically when it comes to your design assets, is by using certain tools and software. Here are a couple worth looking at:

1. Canva

Design is a difficult one when you don’t have the degree or any experience in designing itself. However, like so many of the other online design platforms, Canva flipped that notion on its head. With Canva, there’s no design skills or talent needed because you’re able to create beautiful brand logos, and more with this tool.

What makes it even more appealing is that it’s free to use for the most part. Any premium features will need a subscription but for most businesses, the free version might be all you need.

2. Adobe

Adobe is one that has been around and kicking for some time now, despite many other tools and software in design, popping up. For those with more advanced skills in design or training with Adobe software, it has plenty of design capabilities whether you choose Photoshop or Adobe’s Creative Cloud.

The Creative Cloud is one of Adobe’s most popular tools with over 12 million subscribers currently.

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3. ThemeForest (for website designs)

If website designs are something you need to help with branding, then ThemeForest is a great online platform to utilize. You’ll find everything you need in relation to website designs, whether custom or pre-made. ThemeForest can help your brand define its identity through the type of layout, color theme and various choices you pick from.

There’s a great mix of premium themes and cheaper options, with some even being available for free. However, if you’re establishing your brand’s identity, it’s worth going for something that not many businesses or anyone for that matter, would have already. There’s a real benefit to investing in your website’s web design where possible.
Contributes to further profit and success for the business
With consideration for brand attributes, a major benefit is that it contributes further to the profit your business makes. This also leads to more success too, which any business would want, right?

By presenting a brand consistently across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%. That’s why having all the above brand attributes matter when it comes to the overall success of your business and its growth.

It can give your teams the confidence they need, knowing they’ve created a brand that’s trustworthy and whose customers are dedicated. It’s helpful when new products or services are launched and there’s that worry that no one will make a purchase.

However, because you’ve focused on those brand attributes, there’s likely to be a strong brand recall amongst existing and new customers.

Focus on defining your brand attributes this year

It’s essential to have well-defined brand attributes to provide much more success and growth for your business. Regardless of the industry you’re in or your presence currently on the market, there’s always improvements that can be made.

Author Bio: Natalie Redman (LinkedIn). Email – Freelance writer for many clients across multiple industries. Natalie has two years of copywriting experience. Natalie has a wide range of experience copywriting for web pages for businesses across many industries. She’s also an of two blog websites and a Youtube creator.


California Business Journal Editorial Staff

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