The societal shift in the acceptance of spiritual world practices is something that many people are ecstatic to see. Few are happier than Eesha Patel, a channeler and healer whose work began in a time where even practices like meditation were seen as “way out there.”
Nowadays, it seems as if you are chided for not meditating. Still, the spiritual world is still foreign to many — and that’s where Patel comes in. She began her work as the leader of weekly sharing circles in her community. Here she saw, as she put it, “gaps in the industry of energy healing.”
As a result, she thought it was time to “reframe how some of those things were being presented to people.”
Oftentimes, the concept of energy healing is thrust upon people with no context, which causes them to have an adverse reaction to it. Patel felt that there was a way to change that, but had not quite sorted out the “how.”
Soon, she created space to receive insights on what the new approach to energy healing should be, and it came to her primarily through meditation over a six-month period. In that time, Patel “received the six key principles” that became the foundation of her Origin Activation Method.
Once she received the information, Patel was ready to create havoc in the industry by launching the Origin Activation Method, a multidimensional and energetic healing modality. There is, however, much to unpack in those words.
In most healing modalities, people say “I’m the healer, so I heal you.” Patel disagrees. “I started saying we need to see people as if they are already whole.”
Thus was born the first principle of the Origin Activation Method: that people are already whole.
“You have this wholeness within you,” she says. “It is this idea that we are connected to the source, something that is greater.” However, rather than it being this abstract person or thing above us, or under us, “it is inside of us.” This allows the creation of “a new framework of how we heal,” she says.
This means that what we put our energy into what will be. “We are conscious creators of our reality,” she adds. “The things we put our attention and energy on, they are actually being created.”
If you are sick and the constant focus is on your sickness, then the illness is perpetuated. While it is impossible not to acknowledge the illness, Patel says that there was, at some point, a time when the illness was not present, and “if you can be the person to hold that energy, then the sick person starts believing in that wellness.”
She has seen the success of this often as she’s watched people walk into her rooms sick, and leave feeling much better.
“I was seeing the light in them that they weren’t seeing, and all of a sudden that light had more power and more energy — and it helped heal them.”
For some time, Patel provided much of her material by donation. While this helped getting information out, it was “an unstainable model.” She realized that “if I didn’t go and make money doing this, then I wouldn’t be able to have the impact I need to have.”
Thus, she created Turning Passion Into Profit: The Business of Spirituality.
For those looking to become spiritual coaches themselves, Patel has launched a program that gives the tools needed to get there. Not everyone is interested or ready for this path, but “the people that find me just know that they’re meant to work with me,” she says. This program is not for beginners, however. “It is for people who are already well-established in the mentoring space and they know that this is the next level for them.”
The first step in the program is to “gain a deeper sense of connectedness to their multidimensional selves,” Patel says.
There are 13 dimensions in the universe, and Patel says that many people block out anything that goes past the three dimensions they are used to experiencing. In order to reach the “other dimensions,” facilitators must first look inward and work to “become the master and creator of their own reality.” Then, it becomes “easy for them to go into business in their own space because [the program] teaches them to find what is in alignment for them.”

“I don’t give people a process, but rather tools to get them the wisdom,” Patel shares. The tools are critical to share because they are not something typically taught. Patel feels the biggest blocker that keeps people from living their best lives is “the lack of education. People just don’t know that half the stuff is available.” In addition, “there is a lot of fear around how to navigate the spaces. This stuff is so unknown and there aren’t enough resources.” And by “stuff,” Patel means the etheric, the quantum, the multi-dimensional realm.
Wherever you stand on the concept of energy healing, there is one thing that Patel stands firmly behind that you can’t deny: “Start listening to your heart more and recognize that your mind isn’t always telling the truth. People need to drop into that space of knowing and trusting that the universe has got their back. People need to surrender to the fact that there is something greater than you out there and it will support and guide you if you set that intention.”
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