If you decide to make the management of your heating system more convenient, and also want to save on bills, then you are most likely thinking about buying a room thermostat. One of the best options for acquiring such a gadget is a programmable thermostat. And one of the best models is the 3rd generation Ecobee thermostat. This model is fundamentally different from previous versions, thanks to new features that allow you to take into account the actions of the owner of the premises. Also, the device can interact with other smart home systems, which increases its efficiency and makes it more convenient.
The device has a fairly large screen and thermal sensors that can detect movement even at a serious distance. But its most important feature is a new development that allows you to take into account the behavior of the owner, study his actions and adjust the temperature according to the needs of the owner. With the new model of the thermostat, you will not need to set the temperature in the house yourself every time and it makes no sense to worry that you can forget to turn off the heating if you go somewhere. The Ecobee thermal sensor will take care of this for you. The device will maintain the most comfortable degree in the room. It will be able to automatically adjust the consumption of electricity depending on the weather outside.
Ecobee will be able to adjust its settings depending on the rhythm of your daily life. And thanks to this, it will automatically adjust the temperature and save electricity in the room. The thermostat changes its own settings throughout the week and creates a personal schedule based on how you change the temperature. Also, the Ecobee thermostat will show you the history of electricity use. Based on this history, you will know exactly when and how much energy you are using and will be able to draw certain conclusions for adjustment. You will be able to find out how much you have saved, for what reason and in what period. Ecobee will provide you with a data report and tips to help you save money even more productively.
The gadget automatically turns off the power supply to the thermostat before the thermostat fan finishes its work. Thanks to this, electricity is saved in your house and a comfortable temperature is maintained. Another function will automatically find a way to reduce energy costs in your home. Also, the thermostat will recognize when you leave the house and turn off the heating or air conditioning.
You can also find out about a violation in the heating system. And due to the fact that the thermostat is equipped with a long-range detection option, it will detect the appearance of a person inside the room and turn on the screen to broadcast the temperature and time. The device can also be connected to other gadgets. For example, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, underfloor heating, watches and even wristbands. Plus, it can be connected to the “smart home” system. The thermostat can be controlled via a mobile application. To do this, you need to connect the gadget to a Wi-Fi network. After that, it will be possible to control the temperature in the house, adjust all the functions of the thermostat and study the history of energy consumption using a smartphone.
Installation and setup
If you have another thermostat, you will first need to turn it off. To check whether the device is working or not, you can change the temperature on it by a few degrees. If nothing happened, then you did everything right. After that, you can remove your old thermostat. Now, you need to screw the base plate and connect the wires of the heating system. Then it is necessary to attach the working part of the device to the base and turn on the power of the thermostat. In general, installation should not be any problem, since Ecobee comes with very clear step-by-step assembly instructions. Immediately after loading, the screen will demonstrate all the functionality of the device’s menu and it will be possible to proceed to the final stage of installation.
You will need to choose:
· Preferred language in which all the inscriptions on the screen will be displayed
· Internet connection that your device will use
· Current location so that the gadget can update information about the date, time and weather
· Additional equipment in your home that you want to connect to the thermostat
· The temperature at which the thermostat will have to operate. Specify whether to start with cooling or heating.
After that, the device will perform a system test and you can add it to your Ecobee account using your smartphone. Thanks to this, you will be able to control your device remotely. Don’t forget that even though the Ecobee thermostat adjusts itself to your pace of life, you can still manually control the temperature in the room. But if you want the device to learn, you need to change the temperature at certain moments of the day during the first week after installation. The thermostat will remember when you do this and adjust to your schedule. If you get tired of this feature, you can reset the settings or turn it off completely.
Ecobee would be a great room thermostat option for your home. Thanks to him, you can save a lot on electricity bills and adjust the operating mode of the heating system to suit you. It is attractive in appearance, easy to operate and can be connected to a large number of other smart devices. Also, this device is not difficult to install after purchase. So, if you have not yet decided which thermostat you need, be sure to take Ecobee into account.