
How to Make a Website That Makes Money: The Ultimate Guide

Just be prepared that it takes a lot of work, and if you have the money it's a good idea to bring in the experts to run it for you.

Are you ready to make some serious money?

Every business these days needs a website. But, if you want to make real cash, then you have to do more than finding a free website builder and writing a couple of lines about your brand.

Creating a successful site that drives your profits is much more technical. But, never fear, we’ve got exactly what you need to know.

Take a look at our guide on how to make a website that makes money and help your thrive.

Monetizing Your Website

There’s a difference between monetizing your website and building it to grow your and make money. If you already have a large audience but nothing that’s really bringing in any cash, there are ways you can change that. Here are a few examples:

  • Endorsing products or services with affiliate links
  • Displaying relevant ads through Google AdSense
  • Selling ad to other companies
  • Charging people to guest post on your site to increase their own audience
  • Selling an Ebook or resource on your website

There are tons of ways you can turn a regular WordPress website into a money-making machine if you have the audience. But, to keep your integrity, try not to fill your pages with a collage of ads or only release sponsored blogs. Your audience will lose trust in you and the great site you’ve built will go down the drain.

Click here for information on Business-Critical Website Monitoring.

Building a Business Website to Drive Profits

If you already have a business, such as a real store, and you want to increase profits through your website, you need to look at it differently. Monetizing your website only works if you have a large enough audience. If you already have something to offer, your goal probably isn’t to start sending users elsewhere with ads and affiliate links.

Instead, the best way to make money is to design your website well and market it like there’s no tomorrow. The rest of this guide will focus on that, so let’s get into it.

How to Make a Website That Makes Money

There isn’t one simple answer to how to create a website that will make money. Instead, you need to use a bunch of different techniques to build a flourishing site that moves customers through a journey that ends in a sale. Here are some of the most important things you need to do.

Focus on Flawless Design

Users care about web design. If yours is bad then it’ll make you look less professional, harm your credibility, and drive users away. So, focusing on design is key.

Make sure your website is easy to navigate and use. Use colors and graphics that are engaging, branded, and easy on the eye. Keep your design consistent across your pages and make sure it’s responsive across devices. If you don’t know a thing about design, it’s time to bring in a WordPress design company to do all of this for you.

Up Your Content Game

In addition to your website’s design, you also need great content to engage your audience. It’s how you can show your off to the world and build a relationship with your audience.

If you haven’t got a way with words, it’s best to hire a content writer who has. They can fill your site with juicy content that really sells your product or services and converts users into customers.

If you don’t have one already, it’s time to start a blog, too. This is one of the best ways to really connect with your audience and create a loyal customer base who believes in your brand. It also gives you the chance to show yourself off as an industry expert, which is never a bad thing!

Include Plenty of CTAs

Calls to action, also known as CTAs, are how you encourage you encourage your audience to continue through your site, leading them on a journey. For example, you may have a button to get in touch at the bottom of a service page, encouraging your users to make contact with your team. Or, you might have links on your home page with find out more that lead them to a page with more in-depth information.

Consider your user’s journey and where you’d like to direct them. Then, include CTAs to lead them there! Eventually, you’ll lead them right into a sale, helping your profits. According to Lisian Ajroni, CTO of Ajroni Web Development Agency, CTAs are one of the most overlooked aspects of a landing page. Having well placed and concise CTAs is important in maximizing lead acquisitions and conversions.

Start With SEO

It’s all well and good having an amazing website, but what use is it if no one visits? This is where search optimization (SEO) comes in.

SEO is how websites move up the ranks of Google, appearing in the first results for relevant searches. The number 1 position in Google gets 33% of all traffic, and more traffic means bigger profits. So, if you’re wondering how to make a website that will make money, don’t skip SEO!

There are tons of ways to optimize your site for SEO, so be sure to read up on them.

Monitor Your Website

Once you create your WordPress website, fill it with great content, and optimize it for SEO, it’s ready to launch. But, the work isn’t done yet. You can constantly improve your site by monitoring it, seeing which pages are resonating with your audience, with CTAs are working, and the areas that need improvement.

Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor traffic, web activity, and SEO.

Start Making Money

When it comes to how to make a website that makes money, there are plenty of things you can do. From using affiliate links to implementing SEO to grow your audience, the list is almost endless. Just be prepared that it takes a lot of work, and if you have the money it’s a good idea to bring in the experts to run it for you.

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out more on our website. Here you’ll find even more great advice to help you grow your business.

California Business Journal Editorial Staff

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