We explored this highly controversial and confusing topic and came up with key points to teach you how to know if your tap water is safe to drink, and why it might not be.
Get a water test kit from the hardware store or online to be sure
One of the primary things that you can do to ensure the safety of your drinking water is to get a water test kit from either your local hardware store or online. This will allow you to conduct a home water quality test and quickly check how safe the tap water is in your house. Although there are many different kinds of kits, they usually only cost around $20-$30 and all you have to do is send in a sample of tap water for testing.
The results will reveal whether or not your water is safe, what contaminants might be present, and at what levels. If you do find high levels of chlorine or other harmful chemicals, contact the city right away to see if there are any issues with the local treatment plant. It may require an upgrade or maintenance.
If you can’t get a quality test kit, try the old-fashioned way
If you cannot get a home water test kit for whatever reason, your last resort is to conduct the old-fashioned way. This means that you will have to collect tap water in a clear glass and leave it out overnight so that any contaminants present might settle on the bottom of the container or form a scum on top. If no debris is present, it usually means that the water is safe for drinking.
However, if you do notice any kind of debris or scum in your tap water, then this might mean that whatever contaminants are present are at high levels, and would be best to avoid drinking altogether until further testing can be done. Furthermore, if you cannot trust the tap water, then it is best to stop drinking from the faucet and invest in a quality filtration system instead. This will ensure that your drink only has clean, healthy, and safe water every time. However, if you are not getting the desired quality, you can order bottled water from nevadabottledwater.com.
Check your water’s pH level
You should also check the water’s pH level by using a simple test kit or paper strips. This will allow you to know whether your tap water is acidic, alkaline, or neutral. If it falls below six on the scale (acidic), then there might be contaminants present that are known to cause cancer and other health issues. You can purchase an inexpensive PH testing kit online or at your local hardware store as well.
Call a reputable company for more information
Whether it is high levels of chlorine, unwanted chemicals, and contaminants in general, too much acidity, or anything else that might be worrying you when it comes to the quality of the water coming through your faucet, the best course of action is to contact a reputable company for more information. A great place to start would be with your local water treatment facility as they should be able to provide you with detailed reports and information about what chemicals are used at what stages during the filtration process.
A quality filtration system will remove any unwanted chemicals, contaminants, and impurities
If you decide to go with a home water filtration system instead of wasting your money on bottled water every month, then it is best to choose one that will remove any unwanted chemicals, minerals, metals, and other harmful elements from the water. This type of quality filter will also ensure that the water tastes fresh, clean, and crisp.
Photo by pixabay.com
Be aware of your surroundings
To find out what contaminants are present in your tap water, you need to be aware of your surroundings. If you are concerned about toxins or any other harmful chemicals being released into your drinking supply, it is best to be informed as much as possible before investing in a filtration system. Be sure to check your area and see what kind of industry is located near where you live. The more industrial the area, the greater chance there might be contaminants present in high levels.
Water is your body’s most vital resource. People need to drink water for survival, but not just any kind of water will do. Your tap water may contain unsafe levels of nitrates, arsenic, or lead, so be sure you test it before drinking. When in doubt about the safety of your public tap supply, buy a test kit. If you’re in a private well and have access to clean rainwater, consider installing a whole-house filter that removes bacteria and other impurities from this source as well. All these are geared towards ensuring that the water you drink is safe for you and your family.
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