
How Does the Crypto Industry Benefit from Liquidity Aggregation?

Liquidity is fundamental to the stability of numerous industries on the market. A similar statement can be made regarding the online trading sector, including the crypto market. It is important to note that the process of aggregating liquidity is one of the most crucial processes in this context.

By using this feature, different currency pairing deals across the trading market can be aggregated and delivered to various executors at a particular time. As a result, traders are able to receive the best prices for their deals without being subjected to excessive spreads or slippages.

Aggregating liquidity is a self-contained feature that builds up liquidity from multiple large-scale exchanges and creates liquidity pools simultaneously. Demand and supply are delicately balanced because the liquidity aggregators’ customer base is accountable for using the available liquidity options and providing their own liquidity.

Why Is Liquidity Aggregation Essential In Crypto?

Because the cryptocurrency industry is prone to volatility, liquidity is essential to maintaining market prices. The purpose of the liquidity aggregation was to stop actions that could significantly impact the industry, such as manipulating the cryptocurrency market. For instance, “crypto whales” are high-volume cryptocurrency traders with enough capital to significantly alter the equilibrium of the market.

Crypto whales have the potential to skew the balance of cryptocurrency liquidity and move market prices in the wrong direction if they go unchecked. That’s what liquidity aggregation does. By compiling information on international trade and providing fair market prices, aggregation also assists smaller traders in obtaining the best deals.

It is anticipated that many crypto exchange platforms will use this methodology to stabilise their local ecosystems and provide market participants with fair-value crypto prices by 2023. There is no doubt that liquidity aggregation is a core principle many crypto organisations use to control price quotations across the sector and ensure that volatility does not overwhelm the market at critical moments. While this methodology is far from perfect, there are both pros and cons that should be considered.

Pros And Cons of Liquidity Aggregation

This procedure greatly enhances the depth of the market and raises overall market liquidity. It is also essential for improving transparency and establishing easily accessible trading opportunities. The noteworthy advantages include reduced reliance on centralised entities and expedited order execution.

Conversely, latency is a severe issue. “Latency” describes the time between the order requests being sent and their ultimate execution. Since a liquidity provider must process transactions and become directly involved in order execution, latency has become a problem. As a result, crypto payments are no longer only peer-to-peer, which lowers order execution speed and security.

The security challenges related to liquidity aggregation are also essential variables to consider. As mentioned above, liquidity aggregation involves the connection of users’ wallets to a number of exchange platforms simultaneously, exposing them to multiple cyber threats. Even though some platforms may boast advanced security measures that reduce the likelihood of cyber disasters, malicious attacks are inevitably more likely to occur under such circumstances.

The Primary Features And Functionalities of Aggregation

The goal of liquidity aggregation, a novel approach, is to stabilise the cryptocurrency markets and boost global trade efficiency. This approach includes several intriguing features, such as order book consolidation, algorithmic trading, SOR system, and more, designed to enhance various facets of cryptocurrency trading.

The SOR System

Traders can evaluate multiple liquidity pools at once with smart order routing, maximising trading efficiency and identifying the best possible offerings. This procedure entails continuously scanning different financial sectors to find the best possible trade execution opportunities. When an order is placed, the intelligent order router considers all pertinent variables and chooses the best available options to provide the best possible conditions.

Algorithmic Trading

Using bots, automation software, and other tools, investors can automate their trading activities through another fantastic system called algorithmic trading. Algorithmic trading enables dynamic price filtering from a vast pool of exchange offerings in the context of liquidity aggregation. In other words, this system allows aggregators to find the best deals without manually monitoring each cryptocurrency exchange.

Order Book Consolidation

The precise number of trade orders to be bought on the supply side and sold on the demand side can be seen visually thanks to an ordered framework called order book consolidation. Liquid aggregation provides a thorough understanding of the market by organising vast amounts of data on orders from various sources and consolidating the order book.

This feature helps traders gain insight into market dynamics and influencing factors by monitoring important trading indicators in the order book. It’s also a fantastic way to gain experience and knowledge in advanced trading techniques, such as when to take limit orders, acquire long or short positions, and much more.

Which Companies Serve As Liquidity Aggregators?

A variety of methods exist within the crypto landscape for aggregating liquidity. Exchange platforms, as well as retail or corporate investors, are some of the most influential sources. The most critical aspect of finding liquidity providers is ensuring they are prepared to supply liquidity in large amounts without charging excessive interest rates. In this case, cryptocurrency exchanges are the most obvious choice due to their possession of the largest crypto pools in the world. Thanks to crypto processing gateways, they also use the most cutting-edge techniques for processing cryptocurrencies, such as algorithmic trading, crypto arbitrage, and faster trading execution.

Retail And Corporate Funding Sources

In this context, retail and corporate investors are also important players because they can frequently meet more focused and smaller market demands. Retail investors primarily provide their liquidity by simply taking part in daily cryptocurrency transactions and exchanging their money on the open market to pursue different strategies.

Retail investors thus contribute to liquidity aggregation by raising industry-wide trading volumes. On the other hand, corporate investors are eager to directly provide liquidity to different pools in return for dividends or interest. Although these companies may need more resources to compete with exchange platforms, they offer sufficient liquidity to support the industry’s small and medium-sized liquidity pools.

Final Remarks

In summary, the methodology of liquidity aggregation is highly valuable for the cryptocurrency market as it helps to stabilise prices, enhance liquidity ratios, and spur growth. Because aggregation reduces spreads and streamlines order matching, traders can quickly and easily find favourable deals, fostering industry growth and attracting new players.

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Roberta Silverglate, California Business Journal

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