How many people get injured crossing a road or playing sports daily? A lot. When accidents occur at work, however, it can be a complicated and drawn-out process to resolve. There are so many different things to deal with, from the medical aspect to claiming workers’ compensation. It might be that something like this has just happened to you or someone close to you. If that’s the case, read on because this article will tell you what you can do about it.
Understand The Process
If you have been injured at work, the matter will not be resolved overnight. As we will shortly discuss, it’s essential that you seek immediate medical attention. You should then advise your supervisor or boss and request workers’ compensation. Depending on the outcome, you’ll either be in receipt of benefits or potentially taking legal action.
New Jersey, USA is densely populated, and it has an even distribution of occupants from east to west. If you need help filing a workers’ compensation claim in New Jersey or you want to file a motion for medical or temporary benefits in the meantime, it’s best to begin online. Specialist lawyers’ websites often let you request free consultations, as well as providing directions and maps. You could also discuss filing a third-party liability claim against a non-employer or non-co-worker if they were responsible for your injury.
Put Your Health First
As soon as you’ve been injured, your health should be assessed by a medical professional. In some cases (depending on the severity of the injury) this may involve going to the hospital for further tests and treatment. You might need to take time off work, reduce your hours or even stay at home completely if any of the injuries are more severe than expected.
If you are assessed by a hospital, you will probably be given medication as part of your recovery process. The doctors might also recommend that you don’t return to work until certain conditions improve (e.g. bone fractures or torn muscles needing rest so they can heal properly). In order to protect your own interests in terms of the compensation claim, it is essential that you take any medication or do any exercises recommended by a healthcare professional.
Tell Your Employer
If you are injured, the first thing to do is tell your employer. They should have a procedure in place for how employees can report injuries and accidents at work. After telling them, be sure to write down what happened as soon as possible (including who was involved). If there were witnesses to the accident, ask them to share what they saw so you don’t forget anything important later on.
You’ll need to wait once you’ve requested workers’ compensation benefits. Either they or their insurance company will investigate the matter in detail, in order to decide whether to accept or reject your request. Should your employer unexpectedly decide to fire you for seeking workers’ compensation, you would be strongly advised to contact a lawyer.
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Check On Their Decision
Once the waiting game is over you’ll discover whether or not you’ll receive funds from your company or its insurer to pay your medical costs. Any transportation costs should also be covered, plus money in respect of your loss of earnings.
Unsatisfactory Responses
If your employers’ response is not acceptable in monetary terms and you are dissatisfied with the decision, it’s best to seek legal advice before taking any further steps. You can then ascertain whether your employer or insurer has made a fair offer in relation to the injuries and losses you have suffered. It’s rarely easy seeking compensation but by having professional assistance there’s more chance of obtaining an agreeable result.
If your claim is denied your lawyer can review your case and advise further. They may suggest you file a formal claim petition or application for an informal hearing. These documents can be difficult to complete, but your attorney will be able to help you.
Right Of Appeal
Once you’ve received the judge’s decision on your claim petition, you may still disagree with the outcome. If this occurs, there is one more step you can take. With the help of your lawyer, you’ll be entitled to appeal to the Superior Court Appellate Division.
Hopefully, your outcome will be good on two fronts: you’ll make a full recovery from your injury and be fully compensated by your employer. As you can see, there are many stages in the journey whereby the help and advice of a lawyer can prove invaluable in order to secure the best possible outcome.
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