Human Interest

V Channels Offers A New Path For Rising Indie Filmmakers

Graduates of film schools and young filmmaker hopefuls entering the commercial market are passionate about their craft.  But for many, passion may start to wane as they face the many hurdles presented when building their careers. Lack of funds, maintaining creative control, securing distribution – these are among the many challenges young filmmakers must address as they strive to get noticed by the major studios and large independent entertainment companies. One path for the start-up filmmaker is to raise financing for a first film with a ‘microbudget’ within the $40-60,000 dollar range.  However, even with that budget, the filmmaker needs to secure distribution deals that will cover the investors.

Enter V Channels Media and its Founder and CEO Mario Niccoló Messina. A successful digital technology executive in his native Italy, Messina launched V Channels in Europe in 2018.  His business model was simple – V Channels would fully finance the projects of budding filmmakers, handle distribution worldwide and split revenues derived from licensing, revenue-sharing and ad sales with filmmakers after he recoups his initial production investment. After successfully producing and distributing scores of movies under this scenario in Europe, Messina brought V Channels to the US in 2021, where he continued to produce and bring to market over 100 micro budgeted projects with a growing stable of emerging filmmakers.

In addition to partnering with leading digital streaming platforms in the US and throughout the international market, Messina created a YouTube platform that serves as the primary showcase for all V Channels movies. To date, the company’s YouTube channel has achieved more than 6 billion streams of its movies generated from a worldwide audience. V Channels two latest productions include Stranger, which has 20 million views since its release on the channel earlier this year.  A second recent V Chanels movie, The Dutchman, accumulated more than 5 million views in under a month. To help maximize both revenues and exposure, Messina licenses his movies to digital platforms for an exclusive window prior to debuting them on the YouTube Channel.

V Channels can also be a solution  for directors working at their craft for years.  Emanuele Pica

is the director of a V Channels favorite, Stranger & The Box. “As a filmmaker with twenty years of experience under my belt, I have experienced how complicated it is to make a film. You will need to find the story, get someone to fund and produce it, and after that massive stretch of work, you will still have to find distribution in order to actually have people watch your film. I’ve also realized how hard it is for young filmmakers to break into the industry. Let’s face it – who is going to give you money to make films when you don’t have a clear track record? This is essentially a catch 22 that traps you in a world where only accomplished filmmakers can move forward. But how can you move forward if nobody gives you a chance?”.

The director continues, “V Channel brings answers and solutions to all that. Started as a distribution streaming platform, it began funding and producing films for emerging filmmakers. With a fresh and unique approach, they allowed me to produce and direct two feature films with the utmost creative freedom. More importantly, the channel has distributed my films giving me the chance to have millions of views on a global scale across platforms like Amazon, Tubi, YouTube and more, with a realistic chance to monetize. In a time of deep change in the film industry, V Channels manifests a diverse approach to help filmmakers get out and do something and prove themselves. This is done in a creative space with a serious plan that will elevate the exposure of the filmmaker more and more. I couldn’t be prouder for my collaboration with V Channels and I look forward to continuing my journey with them.”

Once Messina is sold on the filmmaker’s level of talent, they work together to answer the age-old question – ‘what kind of movie will work best for today’s audiences?’. Here, Messina applies his technology background, and a proprietary method that gauges the genre and story elements that his system’s algorithms suggest are most in demand. By collecting and collating data from the V Channels YouTube platform, Messina can ascertain the storylines that will maximize audience engagement, ensuring that each movie resonates with audiences. Says Messina, “The V Channels algorithms are at the core of shaping V Channels’ content strategy and production decisions. Our user-centric, data-driven approach determines which genres and projects will be green-lit for financing and production by assessing the viability of genres and storylines.

V Channels sets itself apart from the traditional studios by supporting emerging filmmakers and eliminating their financial burdens. Since its US launch, V Channels has produced 150 movies and 60 documentaries, helping to launch the careers of well over a hundred filmmakers who learn of the company’s unique business model largely by industry word of mouth. ”Because word travels so quickly in the industry, I have never had the need to actively pursue new talent,” says Messina.

By offering financing, revenue sharing, and a robust distribution network, V Channels empowers filmmakers to bring their creative visions to life without shouldering financial risks —  and with zero creative interference. “My role is in the technology and business areas, I leave all creative to the filmmakers,” shares Messina.

“V Channels marches to the beat of their own drum, and we filmmakers are forever grateful for it. They care about the art, connect us to our audience, grow our careers, like saplings into mighty oaks. All production companies should be like them,” observes Monte Light, director of another V Channels top selection Bittertooth.

For the future, V Channels aims to fund more than 300 features with a focus on action, thrillers, horror, and mystery genres, as well as 300 documentaries over the next three years. V Channels and Messina are making a measurable contribution towards reshaping the landscape for both filmmakers and audiences alike.

Copyright © 2024 California Business Journal. All Rights Reserved.

Jackie Crowley, California Business Journal

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