
The Ultimate Betrayal

Essay, Part II: Texas' school shooting is the fault of U.S. Senators, Congressmen, Congresswomen, Police and the President.

As if the Texas shooting fiasco couldn’t get any worst …

It just did when it was revealed that 19 law-enforcement officers and Border Patrol agents shockingly “lingered” outside Classroom 111 and 112 instead of busting it down and putting an end to the murderer of our 19 children and two teachers.

On Tuesday, I wrote a blistering column (below) about the unfathomable negligence of U.S. Senate and Congressmen and Congresswoman who still haven’t banned assault guns and still haven’t made the harshest background check program in the history of the world and still allow 18-year-olds to purchase a gun but don’t allow them to drink until 21.

Now this.

The staggeringly incompetent and brainless Texas police and Border agents inside — and outside — the school were waiting for a so-called “Commander” to say, “Ok, it’s time to go in and kill this guy” — one hour after the shooter walked through a side door that was supposed to be locked. 

At that same exact moment police “lingered” in the hallway, petrified children trapped behind the door repeatedly called 911 pleading, “Please send the police now!” One child was taking blood off her friend’s dead body and spread it on herself so the shooter would think she was dead.

The staggeringly incompetent and senseless Uvalde, Texas police and Border agents. Photo by Dallas News

The 19 police and border agents should all be fired.


Even if one child was saved, it would’ve been worth storming Classroom 111 and 112.  Imagine if they had saved more? They’d be heroes today. Instead, they’ll be forever known as the inept and clueless keystone cops who stood outside the very same door the murderer was behind while children were being slaughtered.

Now, what would’ve happened if the child of one of the police officers was behind that door? Wouldn’t they have stormed through the door to end this deranged murderer? So why not bust down the door under the actual circumstances.

Instead, police harassed the very parents and relatives of the children inside Classroom 111 and 112. They handcuffed one woman and zapped a man with a taser.

Fire every one of the 19 police. Today. Show some guts Texas. Show no tolerance to stupidity, incompetence and cowardice.

Perhaps the most staggering element of this twisted incident is that a school security guard walked past the gunman. What, he didn’t see a weapon? Didn’t the murderer appear suspicious — especially after he rolled his car into a ditch outside the school.

The gunman then jumped a fence and entered the school while the guard walked across the street in the opposite direction. What, is that guard auditioning to be the next Inspector Clouseau?

The staggeringly incompetent and senseless Uvalde, Texas police and Border agents. Photo from Ad Age.

Part of the irony is that I’m a huge supporter of police. My entire live. I give the thumbs up as they pass by. During the massive police bashing over the last few years, I stayed on the side of 99% good police — there’s 1M police in the U.S. — yet demanded that the 1% be fired.

The Texas shooting is a different circumstance. Police and Border Agents are clearly at fault and need to suffer consequences.

I’m furious. Why wasn’t every single person from the police department and Border Patrol on the same communication system with 911? Why? We have the technology? Every single police department in the U.S. should have that capability. It’s infuriating.

Had officers heard the children on those 911 calls, they probably would’ve busted down the door rather than “linger” outside of it. End of story for the murderer.

As for Biden and his comments Tuesday night and in Texas on Saturday: He continues to say …

“When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?” It’s up to you Mr. President.

“We have to act. And don’t tell me we can’t have an impact on this carnage.” So do something about Mr. President.

“The idea that an 18-year-old kid can walk into a gun store and buy two assault weapons is just wrong.” So stop it Mr. President. Right now, damn it.

“For God’s sake, we have to have the courage to stand up to the [NRA and the gun] industry.” Exactly, muster up the little bit of courage you possess, along with Senators and Congress, and change it today. Right now. 

“Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Why do we keep letting this happen? Where in God’s name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it and stand up to the lobbies? It’s time to turn this pain into action.” So DO IT, Mr. President.

“We have to make it clear to every elected official in this country: It’s time to act. It’s time – for those who obstruct or delay or block the common-sense gun laws, we need to let you know that we will not forget.” 

ENOUGH MR. PRESIDENT! You — and all past Presidents — are the No. 1 individuals to blame. You’re the one in charge! You have the authority to issue a National Emergency and Executive Order to end this assault weapon madness and institute the most thorough Background Checks imaginable. TODAY! This is what you do in a National Emergency. This is where the change starts.

As a wrote in my column below, Biden is the one who can lock every Senator, Congressman and Congresswoman in a room, refusing to allow them to leave until a deal is done. Biden has the power to implement Step 1 in curtailing this carnage — Unrelenting Background Checks.

Just do it.

Texas Tears



The one — and only — statement the President needs to make in response to Tuesday’s Texas shooting, is to issue a National Emergency and Executive Order.

This is The Moment of Extreme Measures.

Order a total and complete ban on assault guns across the country.

Starting today, no one under 21 can purchase a gun any longer. Put new background check rules in place — today.

Close every gun store for one month — for starters — so the background check process can be perfected.

Every single person undergoes the harshest background check imaginable – one that’ll take one month – maybe more — to complete. Make it like the DMV: Get in line. Wait your damn turn.

Check the gun buyers’ social feeds. One violent or twisted-minded tweet or post = No Weapon. Ever.

Make them write a letter to their Chief of Police, informing them of what they’re doing with that gun, before they receive full approval to purchase.

Cancel all of the National Rifle Association’s events for the rest of the year, starting with the one this weekend in, of all places, Texas.

Shut the damn thing down.

Make a statement with an Immediate and Unprecedented Executive Order. Screw the courts. Screw Congress and the Senate because this is the Time of Extreme Measures. Like The War Against Terrorists.

This IS war too.

I’m furious. I’ve been furious since Columbine, since Sandy Hook, since Virginia Tech. I pray every single day for years that a shooting wouldn’t take place at my children’s school or workplace. I seethed after every massacre, wondering what in the world it would take for these ******* in Washington to do the only rational thing. I’ve called “my ‘so-called’ congressman,” raising my voice, “What are you doing to stop this,” only to hear him respond, “We’re working on it, Rick. We’re working on it.”

Here’s proof of the stench in Washington: Here is a list of the politicians who accepted the most NRA “payoffs” — or contributions, as they call them — courtesy of BradyUnited.org.

Politicians who accept money from the NRA
Politicians who take money from NRA

Can you believe $13.6M to Romney? Where is he hiding today? And did you notice the ****** grabbing that NRA brown lunch bag stuffed with $1.2M? Yes, that’s the Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate. He’s the one to point your finger at — along with the 50 senators with the power to implement Step 1 in curtailing this carnage — Unrelenting Background Checks. If I were Biden for 12 hours, I’d go ‘Jack Bower’ on each and everyone of them, not allowing them to leave the room until they signed off. Not just the 50 but the entire Senate and Congress.

We’re in a National Emergency. Extreme Measures are necessary — Steve Kerr agrees. He ripped into U.S. senators, accusing them for their betrayal by not acting on H.R. 8, the Background Checks Act that the House approved a year ago. Currently, 90% of the U.S. support universal background checks — 90%. “We are being held hostage by 50 senators in Washington who refuse to even put it to a vote, despite what we the American people want,” Kerr screamed on Tuesday. “They won’t vote on it, because they want to hold on to their own power.”

For the life of me, I can’t image a child of one of these senators, congressmen, congresswomen, asking them over the last 20 years, “Daddy, how come we can’t stop this gun violence? I hope my school isn’t next.” Can you imagine what these cowedly politicians must look like and say? Hopefully it’s not: “Well junior, my colleagues in the house and senate will fix it it one day. In the meantime, you and Tommy and Judy, pack your suitcases, we’re driving the Range Rover to the Hamptons this weekend for some tennis, swimming and barbeques.”

There is nothing more disgraceful — these dirty politicians putting their power ahead of the lives of our beloved children. What the President should have done Tuesday is this: Look NRA CEO Carolyn Meadows right in eye and tell her — and her lobbyists with their hundred dollar bills dangling out of their back pockets — that he’s signing the boldest Executive Order in history, taking assault weapons out of the game for good.

I don’t care what gun-lovers or gun-supporters think. I only care about our fallen, unprotected children, not the frauds who walk the dank and dirty halls of the White House, heads down, in shame, but nevertheless content because they have more zeros than us on their Merrill Lynch statements.

My heart aches. My eyes will continue to be moist, day after day during the next week, during the funerals, day after day, during the heart wrenching moments of seeing photos of the children and hearing stories about how wonderful they were, their dreams, their hopes, their wishes.

Shame on you if you — and your Heart of Stone — haven’t shed a tear. Put yourself where those families are at this very moment. They’re numb. Shattered. Feeling Hopeless. They see the glowing faces of their children as they close their eyes. Then they see their baby in the deep, dark, cold morgue, a sheet over their child’s body. They imagine their gorgeous, smiling faces, then are jolted back to this cruel world by the image of them stuck down by a bullet, their body and face bloodied, lying helplessly on the ground.

Just like in Newton, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School, 2012: 26 beautiful first and second graders, dead. Like Parkland, Florida’s Douglas High, 2018, 17 beautiful teens, dead. Littleton, Colorado’s Columbine High, 1999, 12 students, dead. Do we really have to go into the numbers: 693 mass shootings in 2021, 611 in 2020, 417 the year below. People in countries around the world still can’t fathom how the U.S. can have 400 million guns and 330 million people.

The shame of our Presidents, past and present, Congress and the Senate for doing absolutely nothing after Sandy Hook, after Parkland, after Virginia Tech. It all comes down to one thing: The most thorough Background Checks imaginable. Starting today.

Yeah, you in the White House, take your money from the NRA, fatten your bank accounts, lie to The People, make your insider-trading deals without consequences, take bribes, change your channel to avoid seeing the pain you’ve caused in Texas, and go ahead and fantasize about your next $3M salary as a lobbyist for the NRA.


Just like the NRA, gun manufacturers, gun sellers. I can’t image what they see and what they think when they look themselves in the mirror. ‘Cause they know they’re partly responsible for all the grieving people in Texas today — and people around the world.

What’d think today Carolyn Meadows? Are you going to Houston this weekend for your NRA event? Stop by Uvalde. Talk to the still-living children. Witness the carnage that “your people” did.

Yeah, go ahead, continue laughing. You, over there, sitting in your tattered old brown La-Z-Boy, watching the childish clowns of Duck Dynasty, sucking down another Bud, shining one of your assault weapon.

This is The Critical Moment in Time for the President, the Congress and the Senate to show what they are truly made of. Be bolder than bold. Cross the line. Reverse history. If the world was locked down at the onset of Covid, this can be done. If Ford, Toyota or Chevy can recall a few hundred thousand vehicles, this can be done. Save our children, the future of our nation, the future of the world. Future scientists, engineers, doctors, mothers, fathers, grandparents. The true game changers of the future.

Clear your desks Washington. Shove everything to the side. Do one thing: No one buys another gun until a new background check policy is in place. Today. Don’t go home until it’s done.

As the days pass, after the avalanche of tears fall at this and next week funerals, and as the victims’ birthdays pass, as you see your child’s friends graduate and get married and have children, every person in the country should think of the souls of the departed, every day. Take one moment to cherish their memory, to honor them. I will. Every day. Just like after Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine and after Buffalo.

Texas shooting victims


Rick Weinberg, Editor in Chief, California Business Journal

Rick Weinberg is Editor-in-Chief at California Business Journal. He is a well-known writer, reporter and on-air talent who has worked for the New York Times, FOX and ESPN. He launched California Business Journal to focus on California businesses and business professionals as well as California business news and information. Contact: Rick@CalBizJournal.com / 949-648-3815

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