
The 4 Common Mistakes To Avoid With Your Inventory Management

Inventory management is one of the most important aspects of your operation because it directly affects how well your business runs and how much money it makes. Handling it right means you can quickly meet customer needs, keeping them happy and loyal. On the other hand, poor inventory management can cause big problems.

For example, having too much stock takes up valuable space and ties up money that could be better spent elsewhere, while not having enough stock can lead to lost sales and unhappy customers. There are a lot of common mistakes businesses make that end up putting them in those bad positions. In this article, we will go over several to be aware of so you don’t commit them.

1 – Inadequate space for inventory

Having the wrong amount of space for your inventory can cause big problems for your business. If your storage space is too small, it gets hard to organize and find products. Employees might waste time moving around cramped areas or trying to locate items. When you cram things into a tight space, there is a higher chance of them getting damaged, leading to financial losses for your business.

On the other hand, too much space can also be problematic. It leads to increased costs for things like heating, cleaning, and securing a large area. Moreover, a spacious warehouse might encourage you to purchase more inventory than necessary, tying up your funds in slow-selling products.

The idea is to find the right amount of space and think creatively. A solution to the space being too small can mean having to move to a bigger facility, but using storage trailers in the meantime to handle the overload. If it’s too big, then look into subletting part of the space to another business so you can help you generate additional income to offset your own costs, such as utilities and rent.

2 – Poor accuracy

Keeping track of your stock accurately is an essential part of managing inventory. When your records are wrong, it can mess up everything from ordering more stock to planning your sales. Many businesses struggle with this, often because of human mistakes and old inventory systems.

Mistakes usually happen when employees manually enter stock numbers. Things like typing in the wrong amount or labeling items incorrectly. These errors are worse if you’re using outdated systems that don’t update your stock levels automatically or can’t work well with your other sales and supply chain systems.

The impact of not keeping accurate stock records is serious. You might order too much based on wrong information, or you might have to buy more stock quickly at a higher price if you suddenly find you don’t have enough. Also, if these mistakes cause delays or cancel customer orders, your customers might lose trust in your business.

To fix these problems, it’s important to use inventory management software that updates your stock levels automatically and accurately. Also, doing regular checks and audits can help you make sure your numbers are right. This way, you can adjust your stock as needed, respond better to changes in the market, and keep your business profitable and your customers happy.

3 – Not using technology

Many businesses make the mistake of sticking to old methods, which can slow them down and put them behind their competitors. The hesitation to switch to newer technologies often comes from worries about the cost and the effort needed to change existing systems.

New technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud-based software can greatly improve how you manage inventory. These tools can update stock levels instantly, predict future sales more accurately, and provide detailed data that helps in making better business decisions.

For example, AI can forecast how much of a product you’ll need in the future, while IoT devices can keep track of your inventory in real time across different locations.

4 – Inadequate staff training

Insufficient training of team members can lead to errors, inefficient work, and potential loss of sales. Businesses often overlook this because they underestimate how complex managing inventory can be and how important every employee’s role is in the system.

Good training gives your team the skills and knowledge they need to manage inventory correctly and make smart decisions. It also helps them see how important they are to the company’s success. For example, employees who understand the system well can spot mistakes and know what to do if there’s a problem.

Copyright © 2024 California Business Journal. All Rights Reserved.

Dale Weinbaum, California Business Journal

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