
Shifting the Game: Technological Breakthroughs in iGaming

Technology and iGaming go hand in hand — there is something of a symbiotic relationship between the two. Operators of online casinos and other similar betting sites utilise emerging technologies, and game developers are consistently pushing the boundaries set by the tools afforded to them, and the mobile devices we all carry in our pockets and handbags. And as those devices develop and become ever more powerful, end users benefit from increasingly intricate and immersive iGaming options.

In recent years we’ve seen some real game-changers, and technological breakthroughs that are shaping all aspects of the iGaming experience. Let’s look at a few of the major ones.

Mobile Tech

It’s incredible to think that we carry in our pockets a device as — if not more — powerful than many modern computers. The capabilities of our mobile devices are so advanced, and increasingly affordable, and this has made mobile a legit platform not just for iGaming, but for wider video gaming, with console and PC classics making their way effectively onto the smaller screen.

Online casinos have risen dramatically in popularity over the last decade or so, and this is in no small part due to the increasingly advanced games on offer, as well as the wide-ranging accessibility mobile tech affords. Cutting-edge slots on the bus, live-dealer roulette in the post office queue, even a cheeky game of poker in the bathroom at work. Our mobiles themselves are the cornerstone of the modern iGaming experience.

Crypto and Blockchain

When Bitcoin launched at the beginning of 2009 it was surrounded by controversy and scepticism. But cryptocurrencies have since emerged as a global financial solution, and have revolutionised the financial landscape, with enhanced security, anonymity, accessibility, and fast, secure transactions. These are all things that millennials expect from their financial services, and are perfectly suited to iGaming.

As well as Bitcoin and Ethereum, other cryptocurrencies such as Revolut and Litecoin are now widely accepted at online casinos, and operators are vetted and reviewed by such sites as, which also compare iGaming sites based on other factors such as bonuses and reputation to help players make informed choices about where to enjoy games.


One of the most exciting emerging technologies on the gaming scene, Augmented Reality (AR) first came to wide public attention with the release of Pokemon Go, a global phenomenon which highlighted the intriguing and versatile possibilities of the technology. AR overlays your environment with interactive elements such as text, images, and graphics, all of which are well suited to playing online games such as poker — players can hold their cards in their hands, for example, or pull a slot machine lever, which adds a heightened level of realism and immersion.

However, while AR is beginning to appear as an option in some online casinos and other iGaming sites, and most modern smartphones can handle the tech, it could be argued that the best experience can be had with external hardware such as smart glasses or headsets.


A technology that has taken a long time to come into its own, Virtual Reality (VR) is now a viable option for gaming across the board, and that includes online casino games. VR offers full immersion in the casino environment, with players able to interact with other users, and dealers, as well as enjoy the games in the atmospheric surroundings of the gaming halls of Vegas and Macau. Headsets are becoming more affordable, and casino operators are beginning to adopt the technology more widely.

But VR faces similar challenges to AR — not only is adding hardware off-putting, but it is also costly to develop apps for use on mobile devices.


We’ve seen Artificial Intelligence (AI) begin to permeate many facets of digital life, and it is certainly an extremely exciting and adaptable technology. In terms of iGaming it offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows operators to assess trends and behaviour, enabling them to tailor recommendations for new games, bonuses, and promotions to their existing customers.

Another major advantage of AI is in terms of customer service. Given the accessibility of mobile gaming, players are using their apps around the clock, and AI-driven chatbots are on hand to offer technical support and answer other customer service queries, at the high level that modern digital consumers have come to expect.

Exciting technological breakthroughs are helping to shape the iGaming experience. Convenience, security, and accessibility are major factors that underpin the entire industry, and the games themselves are becoming more exciting, immersive, and appealing to an ever-broadening audience.

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Dale Weinbaum, California Business Journal

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