Can Devices Help Balance our Lives?
The complete shambles that has been 2020 has at least thrown up one interesting conundrum; could we make our lives easier to spend more time doing the things we love. In the blink of an eye our lives were turned upside down and the new normal took precedence. Work life and home life became intertwined and the reality of staying at home for the majority of the day came to a head. For better or for worse, this virus has forced us to rethink and adapt, and that can only lead to better and bigger things.
The daily commute to work, meetings; companies have had to change and for some whom have adapted faster, that change has been for the better. Who knew you could run a successful business from the guest bedroom, preside over a meeting in your bed clothes? It’s that new normality again.
But what is now important to more of us is that the changes that have occurred can be beneficial to our social lives by making things easier. Groceries can be ordered and delivered. Restaurants will bring the food to you. Can’t go to the casino? With sites like real money casinos you have real money casinos at your fingertips. It’s all about using technology to help us spend more time doing the things we love.
The Same Old 9-5, but from Anywhere you Like
Being forced to work from home was possibly the biggest shake up of normality. How could we possible get things done with all those distractions, let alone communicate effectively from our homes? The answer was, we just did. Applications like Zoom, Teams, Slack and Skype became the chit chat around the office, global meetings carried on as before without the need for costly flights and hotels. For some, expenses fell dramatically as efficiency took over.
It just goes to show that those who adapt not only survive, but can flourish. Shifting to an online sales platform reduces overheads, increases sales and streamlines the entire process, if one is willing to try. So why not run your empire from home. It sure beats spending hours a week stuck in traffic, time that could certainly be spent on better things.
Efficiency is the Key
So now we’ve realized we don’t need to go to work to go to work, embrace the technology that exists to have things work for you. Smartphones, tablets and the Internet have come a long way to allowing us the freedom to work on the go, but why not push the boat some more.
Artificial Intelligence is perfectly suited to handling all the monotonous jobs that occur in many lines of business. Happy to work all hours of the day, machines don’t get tired and so don’t need breaks. Productivity goes through the roof and makes up for the initial outlay of cost in no time. It also frees up the humans to do what they do best; use their brains. Imagination, problem solving and empathy are still vital skills to most jobs, so re-train and re-skill individuals to further enhance their creativity to the benefit of the business.
Technology in the Home
Designated home offices can be kitted out with all the bells and whistles one needs to operate from home. With the work/life balance settling more in our favour, streamlining how we operate our homes will also benefit the entire family. It’s also important that the time we free up is spent wisely rather than blending in to one long workday. Working from home can be fantastic for saving time, however that time can just as easily slip away from us when distraction is always at our fingertips.
Balance. That’s what we need to find. But with this new superpower comes great responsibility. And the hardest part may not always be working out what we can do to make our lives easier, but remembering why we were looking for it in the first place. That way we can spend more time doing the things we love, and not just wasting our minutes with our heads buried in that same technology we were looking for.