
Is Getting Professional Help for Substance Abuse Expensive?

Substance abuse takes a huge toll on one’s physical and mental health, along with draining the individual financially. Being addicted to drugs or alcohol means that the individual probably spends the majority of their income in buying and consuming these substances. In worst-case scenarios, if the sole breadwinner of the family is addicted to substances, household income also decreases drastically. On top of this, if one is considering getting professional help for their addiction, the cost of therapy and other expenses also add to the overall financial hardship. In such a situation, most individuals refrain from getting help altogether as they believe that the treatment will be too expensive. However, what they don’t realize is that without help, overcoming addiction is almost impossible, and they will become entangled in this vicious cycle of addiction their entire lives. This is the reason why most people choose to get insurance that covers the expenses for substance abuse. Insurance companies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield for addiction treatment are a great solution for people who are looking for financial assistance in their sobriety journey. The following article discusses the factors that determine the cost of therapy and provides you with essential tips on choosing the right insurance policy. 

Factors that Determine the Cost of Substance Abuse Treatment

The total cost of treatment for substance abuse starts from $200 (approximately) and goes upwards without insurance, depending on what type of therapy you have chosen. Here are the major factors that largely determine the cost of therapy: 

The type of program

There are primarily two types of treatment programs: residential and non-residential. Residential programs are commonly known as intensive inpatient programs; non-residential programs are outpatient or partial hospitalization programs. Your treatment cost will depend on the type of program you choose. Generally, residential programs are more expensive than non-residential ones because they cover food and lodging facilities. 

Session frequency

The frequency of sessions depends on individual needs, and the more frequent the session, the more expensive the therapy. During the initial consultation, your therapist will analyze your concerns and understand the goals that you want to achieve through therapy. Depending on these factors, the frequency of therapy will be determined. 

In-person therapy vs. teletherapy

Another factor that determines the price of therapy is whether you are choosing in-person therapy or teletherapy. Although deciding between the two generally depends on your convenience and comfort level, they definitely have a major impact on the overall cost of therapy. Generally, teletherapy is much less expensive, around $50 to $150 per session, than in-person therapy, which costs around $200 to $250 per session since the person doesn’t have to visit a facility for professional help. 

Tips to Choose the Right Insurance Provider

Numerous insurancepolicies cover general health benefits, including treatment for substance abuse. However, remember that most of them don’t cover online therapy. So make sure you are aware of this before you choose insurance. Here are the other two factors that you must consider when choosing an insurance plan:

  • Review the policy specifics

To choose the right insurance provider, you must check the policy specifics and whether they cover mental health insurance for residential and non-residential programs. Check if the total sum insured by the policy is enough to cover substance abuse. 

  • The total cost of health insurance

In order to enjoy the benefits of your health insurance, you need to pay a monthly premium, even if you don’t use the medical service. Moreover, there is also a “pay out of pocket” cost when you avail of the policy. So, when choosing an insurance policy, you need to check if these additional costs suit your current lifestyle. 


Getting treatment for substance abuse can be expensive, especially if you don’t have health insurance coverage. This is why choosing an insurance policy that covers the cost of treatment for substance abuse is important. A health insurance policy with holistic coverage will give you the confidence to tackle the problems that arise in life with confidence while also ensuring that the cost of getting professional help doesn’t take a huge toll on your financial health. 

Copyright © 2024 California Business Journal. All Rights Reserved.

Claire Cattone, California Business Journal

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