
How to improve your golf game at home

There are many things you can do to hone your golfing capabilities at home; just have to embrace the opportunities.

Sometimes it’s necessary to work on perfecting your skills when you are away from the course, and luckily there are lots of techniques and technologies that can empower ambitious players to up their game at home.
If this sounds like it would benefit you, here are just a few tips to improve your game even if you are a long way from the local club.

Invest in a simulator

In terms of realism and developing transferable skills, home golf simulators are the best bet for any aspiring golfer, or indeed any amateur enthusiast who simply loves the experience in its own right.

Simulators have come on in leaps and bounds when it comes to the accuracy with which they recreate golf, and there are lots of different types of simulator setup to choose between. You could transform an entire room into a permanent simulation suite, or you could make use of a portable player which can be erected temporarily, then stored out of the way so that it does not monopolize your domestic space for good.

Modern simulators are not only capable of delivering impressive visual fidelity and digital versions of real courses to play on, but can also tell you a lot about your game and suggest ways to improve your swing, stance and positioning to make you a better golfer when you do get a chance to play a round in person.

Make putting a priority

Not everyone has the room, the money or the time to set up a home simulator, but there are still quick and easy ways to improve your game without breaking the bank or needing a whole wing of the house to dedicate to the cause.

Putting is the perfect skill to practice at home, as all you need is a modestly sized piece of floor, a putter of your choice and a target to aim for. A plastic beaker is ideal for this purpose, and even if you are only able to spend 20 minutes a day working on your putting in this manner, you will still feel the benefits further down the line.

Of course if you have a or other outdoor space for putting practice at home, then all the better, as this will help you deal with undulations and irregularities in the surface, rather than just experiencing the relative perfection of indoor flooring.

Let a mirror be your mentor

At home you will not have access to the expert advice of a club pro or any other seasoned golfer to identify issues with your posture, but that does not mean you are devoid of options when it comes to seeking improvements in this area.

The simplest way to go about this is to stand in front of the largest mirror you have available and try to replicate the most ideal stance for your shape, size and preferred playing style.

Looking in a mirror is also a good way of getting consistency in your posture; you will be able to feel when you are positioned correctly, and can use this memory to repeat the same setup time after time, without needing a reflection to guide you.

Watch tutorials

The internet is a great place to learn about almost anything, so it is no surprise that there are a huge number of videos catering to players who want to improve their game.

You may well already be subscribed to golfing channels on YouTube, but it is worth remembering that time spent watching videos on the topic of is not wasted, as you will likely learn lots of useful pieces of information that will go a way towards boosting your skills, even if you are not putting them into practice in the moment.

Replace worn-out gear

If your clubs are getting a little long in the tooth, then they could be hampering your performance, so a stint of for golfing equipment while you are stuck at home is the ideal way to fulfil your potential when you do eventually return to the course.

So as you can see, there are lots of things you can do to hone your golfing capabilities at home; you just have to grasp the opportunities available to you.

Image Source: Pixabay

California Business Journal Editorial Staff

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