Lack of motivation can distract you from studying. Keeping yourself motivated for studying is one of the biggest challenges that a student can face. Apart from studies, extracurricular activities, social life, and sports drain the energy out of your system, and your mind refrains you from doing any work.
Along with these physical activities, social media also plays its part in distracting one mind from doing anything productive. These things affect your subconscious mind, which is the major deriving force for motivation. As a result, procrastination and laziness become normal, which impacts your studies badly.
There are certain ways by which you can revive your motivation and keep it alive. But ignoring it and lingering it for a long time can seriously damage your studying capabilities and bring a toll on your physical and mental health.
Tips That Work
Below are a few tips that work and help you keep you motivated or at least help in boosting your motivation level. But before explaining further, let’s clarify that it’s completely normal to lack motivation, but keeping it that way for a long time and leaving it untreated can have consequences on your studies.
The first thing while dealing with any problem is to acknowledge that problem, try to figure out the root cause, and then start taking action to resolve it. There can be multiple reasons, and it varies from person to person, but once you figure it out, it’s much easier.
Writing them down is the most effective way to deconstruct the reasons behind the lack of motivation. Write all the possible reasons, then figure out their possible outcomes; it is really helpful to know the cause of de-motivation and what things come in the way of studying efficiently.
Make Schedule and Plan of Action
Everyone has their study style; some like to study alone, others like to study in groups, some are quick learners, and others take time to build momentum. Whatever the case, the best and most effective way to study is by making a schedule, prioritizing, making time table, and sticking to it strictly.
Once you make your schedule, the action plan is clear; you need to follow it with discipline and consistency. As long you successfully execute your action plan, you will pull yourself out from de-motivation and always feel motivated for studies.
Goals and Ways to Achieve Them
Setting goals and planning to achieve them is another dose to keep you motivated. Whether it’s the study or anything else, if you set certain goals and make efforts to achieve them, it will automatically boost your confidence, make you think clearer, and increase your focus. A few minutes of focused study is better than hours of distracted one.
One way to make it possible and step in the right direction is to make smaller goals that lead to a broader one. Small goals are easier to achieve and easily manageable; once you complete them, you are motivated more than ever to smash other ones. In the study, you can set goals of finishing certain subjects or portions of a chapter first, then move on to the whole syllabus.
Create a distraction-free study space:
Distractions are always the reason that drifts you away from your path to achieve your goals. When you sit to study, if there are any distractions, it will be hard for you to focus and constantly study for longer. Therefore creating a distraction-free space is necessary.
One of the biggest distractions while studying is using your cell phone and scrolling or spending time on social media. You don’t realize how much it will waste your time, and in the end, you find yourself in a de-motivated state, where you lose interest as there is not enough time to complete your task.
Don’t Overthink and Start Executing:
The best way to do something is by starting it. Overthinking is the biggest de-motivator; the over-thinker spends more time thinking one thing repeatedly than taking any action to complete and execute. If you apply the same in your study, you will realize that you miss many opportunities and time by overthinking and keeping yourself away from finishing what you start.
Believe in yourself and Reward yourself:
Always believe in yourself; this phrase alone is your biggest motivator in life and your studies. You can also plan, prioritize, make a schedule, and use your time management to study effectively, but if all these traits are wrapped with self-belief, no one will stop you from achieving the highest scores in your studies and other goals.
Make it a compulsion to reward yourself after accomplishing any goal, whether small or big, take some time out for yourself and give a treat to yourself, enjoy your success, and gear up for the next one.