Food & Dining

How Do Manuka Honey And Manuka Oil Differ?

Manuka oil

is known for its skin healing and antiseptic properties. Manuka honey and Manuka oil are two natural remedies that have shown promising results in clinical trials. There are numerous benefits of manuka honey along with manuka oil which the majority of us still don’t know. In this blog, we’ll explore how manuka honey, and manuka oil differ?

What is manuka honey?

Manuka honey is a natural food product made from the nectar of the manuka tree. It’s very expensive but has many health benefits and tastes delicious. It has a strong smell, so you may have to sniff your jar before you open it—or even eat some! The smell can be a bit weird if you’re not used to it.

What is Manuka Oil?

Manuka oil is a natural extract of the Manuka tree, which grows in New Zealand. It is loaded with rich antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that have been used in traditional medicine for ages and also been effective. Do you know that the name “Manuka” comes from Maori (the indigenous people of New Zealand), who earlier used this oil to treat skin wounds as early as 1791.

In recent years, researchers have begun to discover how beneficial manuka honey can be against certain conditions—and they’re finding more uses every day!

Does Manuka Honey and Manuka Oil Work for Skin Conditions?

Manuka honey and manuka oil are both the best natural remedies for skin conditions. Native New Zealanders have been using both things for the past thousands of years. Manuka oil and manuka honey both are proven effective for skin inflammations due to its skin healing and soothing properties.

Both honey and oil are also great moisturizers—a bonus if you’re suffering from dry skin due to eczema or psoriasis (which makes sense, since these conditions often cause redness).

They come from the same type of bees, but have a unique mineral composition.

Manuka honey is produced by bees that live in the manuka tree, which grows in New Zealand. The bees collect nectar from flowers of the manuka tree and mix it with pollen gathered from other plants to make honey that’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Manuka oil on the other hand comes from a different type of bee called Apis mellifera carnica (or alpina). This species generally produces an oil made up of monoterpenes like α-pinene as well as sesquiterpenes such as β-caryophyllene and α-bergamotene.

Manuka oil is produced by organisms that live in the manuka tree.

Manuka honey and manuka oil are produced by two different organisms. Manuka honey is basically produced by the bees residing inside the manuka tree, and manuka oil is also produced from the same tree.

Manuka oil is harvested from the inner bark of this unique shrub native to New Zealand’s North Island. The of this manuka tree shrub contain a high concentration of methylglyoxal (MGO), which makes them highly antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Final Thoughts

Hope this article helped you to understand the difference between Manuka Honey and Manuka Oil properly. If you want to share or suggest anything then feel free to write them in the comment section below.

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Bia Pendelton, California Business Journal

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