
Do I Need To Develop My Own Software?

If there’s something that has defined this decade as far as commerce and the economy are concerned is the massive role that the internet has had in it. While online sales and in general online entertainment has had a huge role in the world since the early 2000s it truly has been this decade when it became the default choice for most people.

Movies and TV? All of those are on streaming platforms now. Video Games? Digital sales make up most of the market. Education and even work? All of it can be done remotely now, and a lot of careers only exist online as is the case for streamers.

Now more than ever any money and success that is to be made comes from the internet, and that means that anybody interested in getting their share of the market will need to invest in better website solutions and unique programs that can keep them ahead of the competition. But does that mean you need to hire software development team for your brand?

Well, that’s what we’ll try to answer today, that way you’ll have all the knowledge required to make the correct call for your business and your team.

What kind of Business do you have?

The first thing you need to ask yourself is what kind of business you have and if it’s tied that strongly with the internet and applications in general. Make no mistake, by this, we aren’t asking if you should have an online presence because you quite simply should. It doesn’t matter what your business is, it needs to have a website and have online reach. But beyond that, not every single business will need dedicated code.

So if say, you run a bakery, do you really need custom software? As an established form of commerce chances are that many options in the market fit your needs. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from hiring a developer team, but it might not be as urgent depending on the case.

How much of your Business is derived from Online Interactions?

As we said above every single business in the current landscape should have an online presence, and you are seriously limiting your growth if you don’t. But likewise, it’s true that not everybody will make most of their revenue from their website.

Some businesses to this day still rely on word of mouth when it comes to getting new clients, and for services that legitimately can’t offer shipping or takeaway as is for example a massage session, then their website will be more an ad than a way to generate income.

So try to look at your ledger and find out how much of your income really comes from your online presence and how much efficiency you really gain from your current software. There’s a chance that the internet isn’t that big of a deal for you in specific, but you might also be surprised by how important your website has turned out to be for your brand.

Are your current solutions too limiting?

This is perhaps the most important question that you need to ask yourself when it comes to hiring external help because by far the biggest benefit that custom software brings is that it suits your specific needs.

So think back on the software you are currently using, whether it’s your payroll automation suite, your stock manager, or your delivery tracker. How do they work right now? Are you really making the most out of them? For many of you, there really won’t be much to comment on. And in particular, when it comes to smaller businesses that have yet to expand considerably most stock software tends to be enough.

But many of you right now are struggling with your current software, and it has likely resulted in obfuscation, annoyance, and potentially lost sales. So that really should be the driving question, because if your current solutions are too limiting then that’s when software developers can change your business for the better.

Will you need your own team?

Now, just because you need your own custom software that doesn’t necessarily mean you should build a dedicated software development of your own. And this is when you need to consider the opportunity cost involved.

Hiring developers full-time is a very expensive choice, and if you plan to add them to your payroll it’ll be as expensive as any other dedicated position in your team; or even more expensive, as their craft is a very specific one.

So ask yourself this? Do I plan to develop that much software? If you plan to start an IT firm or to release an app, then yes, of course, you’ll want your development team on the payroll. But for everybody else, the smart choice is to hire a development firm and collaborate with them to get your software solutions to the next level.

Leave it to the professionals

When it comes to software development you should see it as any other business transaction. We all have our expertise and nobody does every single task related to their business. If you need fliers for an event you won’t start a new division at that office dedicated solely to printing, and if you need to get new software or launch a brand new website then the rational choice is to contact a software development firm.

Now, if you’ve never done this before you might have a few questions, but it’s as simple as hiring any other service. You don’t need to contact Microsoft or the entirety of Silicon Valley, because the web development market is a booming one, and there’s no shortage of firms that specialize in this area.

And that’s perhaps the best part out of all of this, these teams have already worked on countless projects that have proven to be successful and have made software that is still being used. A good developer likely has a long history of successful websites to their name, and you should ask them to let you see their portfolio. That way you’ll have a good idea of what kind of service they offer.

Ultimately while the choice of developing new software is a very personal one, the fact is that for every industry the best call is to leave it to the professionals and contact a firm that already specializes in the field. You’ll find that the process is as smooth as possible and if you really needed a level-up for your tech solutions the investment will be well worth it.

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Dale Weinbaum, California Business Journal

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