
Are Coins Simply Benefiting from Bitcoin’s Snowball Effect?

It might surprise you to learn that certain cryptocurrencies appear to be gaining from a snowball effect, even though Bitcoin is undoubtedly the driving force behind interest in and investment in cryptocurrencies. In the news, there have been talks about an upcoming huge $1.5 Trillion ETF ‘Snowball Effect’ prediction triggering a sudden Bitcoin Price Surge. The snowball effect also applies to Cardano’s community growth.

As the concept of cryptocurrency becomes more feature-rich and useful, more developers, users and enthusiasts get on board, adding to the momentum. Keeping an eye on the current Cardano price, might keep you from getting a surprise on your investment. So what will this snowball effect do to crypto? In this guide, we explore the idea of coins benefiting from Bitcoin’s snowball effect.

What are coins?

You may have heard this before but not be sure about what it actually is. Coins are the main units of cryptocurrency that are created and traded on various blockchain networks. Coins are digital assets that have their own transactions recorded on a blockchain ledger and each coin operates on its own blockchain network with its own protocols, rules, and transaction validation methods.

The coins can be used to pay for goods, services, or assets in the real world, traded for profit, held as investments, or converted into fiat (money refers to government-issued currencies) like dollars. Prices are known to be volatile which can cause an issue and make you lose money. Crypto coins derive their value based on supply, demand, work required to obtain them, and market conditions. So, to summarise, coins are the digital currency units that power blockchain networks and underpin the global cryptocurrency markets.

What is the Snowball Effect?

You may have heard the snowball effect in psychology which is a term that describes how initially very small efforts can eventually lead to bigger and bigger actions, which in turn can result in an important change. It is similar to the theory that a tiny stone or snowball that falls from the top of a mountain may eventually trigger an avalanche.

The snowball effect in investing refers to the tendency for rising asset prices to build momentum that leads to further price increases, regardless of underlying fundamentals. To simplify it, it means it is driven by hype and excitement rather than rational analysis, so as prices go up, more investors hop on the bandwagon. If you are a smart investor, you should avoid assets showing a clear snowball effect, as gains are unlikely to be sustained long-term and the damage could be catastrophic.

Bitcoin is the best example of this. It was the first, which has propelled it into being the biggest and most popular cryptocurrency around the globe. It has the recognition that other coins can only dream of, with Bitcoin being almost synonymous with crypto. So, how do other coins benefit from Bitcoin’s fame?

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital money that runs without a central authority or government or bank supervision. Rather, it depends on cryptography and peer-to-peer software. Every Bitcoin transaction is documented on a public ledger, copies of which are stored on servers across the globe. A node is one of these servers that may be set up by anyone with an extra computer. Cryptography is used among these nodes to obtain consensus on coin ownership, as opposed to depending on a central authority like a bank.

Every transaction is shared amongst nodes on the network and publicized to the public. These transactions are gathered by miners once every ten minutes or so into a group known as a block, which is then added permanently to the blockchain.

What made Bitcoin become popular?

What made Bitcoin boost in popularity? As it was the first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin pioneered innovations like blockchain, decentralized consensus, and proof-of-work. Many people see it as starting a new era in that we are beginning to move away from big corporations and government-owned places.

Sending and receiving bitcoins is quite anonymous compared to traditional payment systems which makes it ideal for people wanting to be confidential. Only Bitcoin wallet addresses are used in transactions without personal details. However, transactions are still publicly visible on the blockchain. Bitcoin’s price has seen huge ups and downs since it was created. This makes it appealing for speculation, as many hope to profit from major price swings. The potential for big gains (and losses) drives interest.

With increasing endorsements by celebrities/companies from people such as Lindsay Lohan, Jake Paul, and Austin Mahone. Bitcoin is seeing greater adoption and legitimacy compared to the early years and even major retailers accepting Bitcoin have driven more popularity. While Crypto can be rather complex, Bitcoin’s advantages and possibilities have driven public interest and usage, especially as concerns grow over flaws in traditional fiat and financial systems. However, it remains controversial and still has a long way to go to be mainstream.


Cryptocurrency has gained more popular attention and adoption as a result of Bitcoin’s rise and more usage through celebrities promoting it. It looks like Bitcoin will be the main force behind cryptocurrency investing due to its popularity advantage and being the first successful cryptocurrency.

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Roberta Silverglate, California Business Journal

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