
5 Ways the Human Resource Industry Is Advancing to Adapt to the New Normal

The last two years changed the way people shop, travel, and work. Between massive shutdowns, layoffs, remote work, and frequent quarantines, the way of work for millions of employees practically changed overnight.

Now with the effects of the global pandemic starting to subside and economies reopening, a new normal in the workplace is evolving. This transformation in the workplace is forcing human resource departments across the globe to reexamine their workforce management solutions. Here’s a look at some of the ways the human resource industry is adapting to the new normal.

1. Flexible Work Schedules

The combination of workplace disruptions and personal challenges, including school shutdowns and an increased demand to care for elderly parents, caused many workers to struggle to handle both personal and work-related responsibilities. This factor, in turn, has led to an increased demand for flexible work schedules. HR departments have had to revamp workplace policies and enhance workers’ benefits regarding remote work, paid time off, shift swapping, home office subsidies, and more.

Additionally, HR departments are continuously integrating new technologies that improve everything from remote communications to shift scheduling. When implemented correctly, these benefits and technologies can improve workplace efficiencies while also giving employees the tools they need to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Furthermore, flexible work options are so popular among workers today that offering these types of benefits can increase an organization’s chances of attracting high-quality candidates.

2. Implementation of HR Software

Today’s ongoing labor shortage and growing skills gap have put a huge demand on HR professionals to improve hiring outcomes and employee retention rates. To help with this process, more and more HR organizations are turning to recruitment agency software to help streamline the process and improve overall outcomes.

For example, Application Tracking Systems (ATS) gives employers the ability to filter through applicants at just a fraction of the time it would take to do manually. By using advanced search requests, employers can instantly identify candidates that match their set criteria. This technology can help to speed up the hiring process and improve the quality of hires.

and Human Resource Consulting agencies specialize in identifying, attracting, and onboarding top talent. In most cases, the recruiter works directly with the HR team to better understand the specific type of candidate they want. Based on this information, recruiters identify and attract talent that matches the organization’s set criteria, initiates the engagement process, and then introduce the candidate to the employer.

Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) software, on the other hand, can improve the candidate experience and enhance applicant engagement throughout the hiring process. This technology helps to automate many processes. For instance, it can send automated emails to candidates to keep them up to date regarding the status of their applications.

3. Boost Internal Efforts

Its’ no secret that employers are struggling to find skilled workers to fill open roles. In fact, in January 2022, there were a reported 11.2 million vacant job openings in the U.S. alone. To meet this growing demand, employers are boosting their internal efforts. Rather than wasting more time trying to find candidates with the right skills, many employers are choosing to equip their current workers with the skills they need.

This boost in internal created a higher demand for upskilling and reskilling efforts. HR departments are taking steps to strengthen their training programs to include on-the-job training, mentorships, and traditional classroom and online training. They are also working to increase career advancement opportunities within their organizations.

4. Data-Driven Decisions

In the age of big data, it only makes sense for HR professionals to use this data to make sound business decisions and to develop human resource strategies. For example, using people analytics to identify the organization’s current labor needs and forecast any future needs can significantly help HR departments hire the right candidates, improve their training programs, and develop internal advancement opportunities. This type of strategy can help organizations secure the skills they need both today and in the future.

Relevant worker insights can also help employers remain competitive in today’s tight labor market. For instance, employers can use these insights to set competitive wages and develop a comprehensive benefits package that has the power to both attract and retain talent.

5. Partner with a Service

The reality is that these are unprecedented times. Many employers simply don’t have the experience, resources, and technology to recruit and retain the talent they need to meet production demands. With these factors in mind, many organizations are choosing to partner with a recruitment service agency to get them through these challenging times.

agencies specialize in identifying, attracting, and onboarding top talent. In most cases, the recruiter works directly with the HR team to better understand the specific type of candidate they want. Based on this information, recruiters identify and attract talent that matches the organization’s set criteria, initiates the engagement process, and then introduce the candidate to the employer.

Typically, organizations also have access to agency software that allows them to track the company’s efforts. Today, both small and large companies are working with recruitment agencies as a means of acquiring the talent they need.

Understanding the various ways the human resource industry is adapting to the new normal can help organizations better prepare for the future and to develop workforce management strategies to improve business outcomes.

Joanie Moretti, California Business Journal

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