California Business Journal

California Business Journal writes and publishes insightful, in-depth and captivating business articles on entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses.

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Karen Janowitz, California Business Journal
Medical Imaging and Deep Learning: How The Two Fit Together
Deep learning is a computer science field that involves training neural nets by feeding them vast amounts of data. In […]
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Nik Korba, Special to California Business Journal
Retired But Busier Than Ever: Ramzi Mansour Turns His Passion Into A Mission To Support Cancer Survivors
It is common to hear people who have been diagnosed with cancer say that they feel powerless. The disease they […]
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Leslie Irving, California Business Journal
Useful Literature For Self-Taught Psychologists
We all want to know more about ourselves and those around us to understand better what is going on around […]
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Dale Weinbaum, California Business Journal
Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads: Let’s Settle This for Once and All
Dozens of clients have asked, “Which is better for my business: Google or Facebook?” We usually say, “It depends. One […]
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Roberta Silverglate, California Business Journal
Review: Is The New Range Rover Worthy Of Its Royal Status?
If we look at the new Range Rover from a Royal perspective, it is worth the price tag. The car […]
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Brooke Becher, Contributing Reporter, California Business Journal
How a pandemic affirmed Dale Carnegie’s legacy of leadership
The century-old personal development program has now survived two pandemics, two world wars and a handful of recessions. CEO Joe Hart explains the company’s simple recipe: invest in people.
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