The cause and effect comprise of causality are essays in which the authors use causality aim at analyzing the causes (reasons why specific actions and conditions take place) and consequences (the results of these actions and conditions). The author may organize causal analysis according to one of the following models: one cause – several effects, several reasons – one effect, a causal chain, several causes – several effects.
What Is Cause and Effect Essay
The cause and effect essay is a written work that identifies or establishes the factors and conditions for the emergence or functioning of an object, process, or phenomenon and the consequences of these causes. For example, “How Can Schools prevent adolescent obesity.”
Cause and Effect Essay Writing Tips
This type of essay usually has the traditional 5-paragraph structure. Let’s find out how and what to write in each part based on the paper “How Can Schools prevent adolescent obesity.”
Step 1 – formulate one reason and consequence of overweight and one solution in the introduction paragraph.
E.g., “Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. With every coming year, we observe the increasing number of youngsters suffering from weight problems worldwide. The root cause of this issue is unhealthy eating habits, which result in impairment in body functioning. To effectively improve this situation, it is essential to teach the children to consume food consciously.”
Step 2 – explain the cause and effect of obesity and an example to reinforce your position.
E.g., “The primary cause of obesity is consuming low-quality nutrients with high sugars and fat levels such as candies, buns, and fast food. One can not emphasize the recovery speed of young organisms too much, but long keeping an unhealthy diet leaves serious viscera consequences. As a result, digestion’s mechanism changes under the influence of regular imbalanced eating, leading to deteriorating organism systems. For example, after changing mice’s daily healthy eating on food mixtures with a high level of fat and sugars, almost 95% of mice gained weight and inflammation of internal organs.”
Step 3 – explain how to avoid excess weight and reinforce your words with an example.
E.g., “The best solution to this worrying problem is creating a special discipline in schools about the right principles of daily eating and health care. Not only should children’s nutrition be controlled by parents, but systems of education must also supervise it. Rarely do children realize and understand the consequences of durable and long-lasting junk food eating. Therefore a detailed explanation of the digestive function is crucial. For instance, in 2017, The New Science journal reported that after including additional classes in the school curriculum about health care, pupils started choosing more healthy meals for daily eating.”
Step 4 – summarize the cause and advantages of healthy eating education.
E.g., “One of the main problems with childhood obesity is the unawareness about the influence of unhealthy eating on all organism systems, which schools can solve by adding a particular educational program to their schedule.”